MMC: New Creative and Entrepreneur Hub of Lisbon

The Mayor of the Lisbon Municipality and the Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic presented, on 17 June, the new Creative and Entrepreneur Hub of Lisbon, a reference space for the capital of Portugal that is now being prepared in the former Military Maintenance facilities in Beato. In collaboration with Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, the International docomomo Workshop – “The Adaptive Reuse of the Lisbon riverside area: the MMC case study” (1-5 Setembro, Instituto Superior Técnico) intends to contribute for building the future of the 21st century industries, in the former industrial Military Maintenance facilities in Lisbon, in collaboration with Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.

docomomo International and the Scientific Coordinator of the International docomomo Workshop, Prof. Falcão de Campos, were present in the ceremony.