© Ana Tostões
Online lecture at the Liebling Haus “Modern Architecture in Africa: the case of Angola and Mozambique”

Docomomo International is please to invite you to assist the online lecture “Modern Architecture in Africa: the case of Angola and Mozambique” organized by the the Liebling Haus team. The lecture will take place on the zoom platform at 14 September 2020, at 6 p.m. (GMT+3).
In the effort to achieve a better knowledge and comprehensive understanding of Modern Movement diaspora, it is essential to revisit, analyze and document the important heritage built on sub-Saharan Africa, where, the debate took place and architectonical models were reproduced, in many cases subjected to metamorphoses raised by overseas geography. This lecture is given by Professor Ana Tostoes, Head of Docomomo International.

Date & Time: 14.9.2020, 6 p.m. (GMT+1)
Place: Online
Language: English
Free admission / Zoom Meeting ID: 81047733227

For more information, please visit the Liebling Haus website.