Docomomo Italia announced the launch of a new on-line architecture portal Atlante Architettura Contemporanea. Italy told through architectures, created with the Department of Architecture and Project of La Sapienza University. This portal is intended to share knowledge of Italian post-war modern architecture, gathered through the course of a large-scale survey promoted by La Direzione Generale Arte e Architettura contemporanee e Periferie urbane (DGAAP). The portal aims to focus on a selection of the architectures surveyed by DGAAP in the website Architetture del secondo 900, presenting specific thematic itineraries illustrated with original photographs. The selection was carried out according to a criterion of distribution on the national territory and intended to represent each region. This principle sometimes meant excluding masterpieces, to give space to interesting regional realities, in the spirit of the project’s purpose, which intends to describe all of Italy.
You can access the website here, in both English and Italian.