Docomomo International is pleased to present this year’s cycle of sessions of the Encontro de Urbanismo – “COVID 19 – Preparar as Cidades para Riscos Globais” [Urbanism Meeting – “COVID 19 – Preparing Cities for Global Risks”], coordinated by Prof. João Ferrão (Geographer, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon) – will provide a comprehensive view on global systemic risks which become apparent through disruptive events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
In view of these risks, and focusing on the immediate effects of the ongoing pandemic, it will be promoted a wide and informed debate in which citizens and specialists are invited to jointly build strategic recommendations for action in the short, medium and long term, covering a wide range of aspects and perspectives to better prepare the future of the city.
On July 6, at 6 pm (GMT+1), the first session “A user manual of the city in time of COVID-19” [“A user manual of the city in time of COVID-19”] took place, with the participation of João Pedro Simas (Virologist and researcher at the Molecular Medicine Institute), Hugo Esteves ( Public Health Physician | Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health and Vice President of the National Association of Public Health Doctors), Ricardo Veludo (Councilor for Planning, Urbanism, Relationship with the Citizen and Participation of the Lisbon City Council) and Miguel Gaspar (Councilor for Economy and Mobility of the Lisbon City Council).
On July 13, at 6 pm (GMT+1), the second session “Lições do passado: prosperar após crises de saúde pública” [“Lessons from the past: thriving after public health crises”] will take place, with the participation of Professor Ana Tostões, Chair of Docomomo International.
On July 20, at 6 pm (GMT+1), the third session “Compreender a cidade a partir das emoções geradas pela pandemia” [“Understanding the city from the emotions generated by the pandemic”].
To participate or watch the previous sessions, please visit the website [Portuguese]