Call for Papers: “Learning Places”. TechNetEMPIRE International Conference

Docomomo International would like to share the call for papers “Learning Places”, for the TechNetEMPIRE International Conference, which will be held on 3rd and 4th February 2022, in a hybrid format, in Lisbon and Zoom.

This event aims at tackling the possibility of a comparative view on how, when and where learning institutions of technical and scientific knowledge were organized across empires. By comparing different case studies in fields of knowledge and transformation of the built environment – military engineering, cartography, among others – the goal is to establish a comparative frame of the political-scientific enterprise of empires, across geographies and times. The conference proposes a comparative reading between formal or non-formal structures of learning and individual agency abilities, that enables the understanding of transformations, influences and entanglements in different geographies from multiple spheres of knowledge and practices.

Proposals for papers (maximum 300 words) must be submitted together with a biographical note (maximum 100 words) in English, until June 20, 2021, using this form.

More information can be found here or on the TechNetEMPIRE website.