Docomomo International is pleased to announce that the call for the 5th edition of the European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention AADIPA is open until 12th March 2021 (24h, GMT+1).
The European Award for Architectural Heritage intervention is a biennial contest organized with the support of COAC (Association of Architects of Catalonia) and AADIPA (Association of Architects for the Defence and Intervention in Architectural Heritage), the purpose of which is to distinguish quality heritage interventions and contribute to their disclosure.
The contest that, with ten years of existence, is aimed at consolidating itself as a catalyst and observatory of new challenges, as well as conserving and intervening in built heritage through the globalization of contemporary architecture.
The call is divided into four categories:
Category A: Intervention in built heritage
All architectural, permanent or ephemeral interventions in architectural properties of heritage interest.
Category B: Exterior spaces
All interventions in the historic public space, in monumental and cultural landscape environments.
Category C: Urban planning
All planning work aimed at the protection, conservation and enhancement of architectural heritage.
Category D: Disclosure
Those initiatives, activities and actions that are aimed at disseminating the values of architectural heritage.
All submissions must be entered into one of the above categories and they must have been conducted or published in the period between January 1st, 2014 and December 31st, 2020, in the European geographical area. The only exception is category D, where works by European authors in other geographical areas will be accepted.
The same author may present more than one work, piece or publication. A single intervention can apply for the award in different categories; however, specific documentation required for each of the categories must be presented.