© Docomomo International (2018), Docomomo Germany Conference & RMB Final Conference
Call for Abstracts: 16. Docomomo Germany Conference & RMB Final Conference

DOCOMOMO Deutschland, the Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture and the project ‘Reuse of Modernist Buildings (RMB)’ invite you to the 16th DOCOMOMO Germany & RMB Conference. This first event in Berlin on the 1st of March 2019 at the Akademie der Künste continues the tradition of the Karlsruhe DOCOMOMO Germany Conferences. The EU project RMB initiates a pedagogical framework on the European level based on common definitions, methods, and approaches for the ´reuse´ of modern buildings, with the aim of offering a ´Joint Master on Reuse of Modernist Buildings´. In this context, the conference will take place in a new format as a combination of invited keynote speeches and selected scientific lectures – in 2019 with the theme: 100 years Bauhaus: Which interest do we take in Modern Movement today?

Actors from academia, teaching and practice involved in processes of conservation, conservation, renovation or transformation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the Modern Movement to address the conference theme. DOCOMOMO Germany is pleased to receive abstracts related to one of the following topics according to the Docomomo working groups and international scientific committees:
– Education + Theory (about programs, concepts and approaches)
– Register (about buildings, typologies or architects / planners),
– Urbanism + Landscape (about building ensembles, outdoor spaces and policies)
– Technology (via components, materials or techniques)
– Interior Design (about interiors, extensions and atmospheres)

Abstacts in English or German must follow the abstract submission guidelines below. Thematic sessions (dt or en) are defined after the abstracts have been selected. Selected contributions will be published in a conference proceedings. Please send the abstract by June 30, 2018 (12.00 GMT) to the following email: docomomo@bauhaus-dessau.de.

By Docomomo Germany team

The conference will be held at Academy of Arts, Berlin, Germany, 1st March 2019.
Submit abstract by 30th June, 2018.

More details: website + website