Docomomo International is happy to announce that the last meeting of the lecture series “ROUNDTRIP II: From the Alps to the Andes and vice-versa. Le Corbusier and the members of the Latin American Modern Movement”, organized by Ex-Momo, will be held online on 3rd December 2021 at 11.00 am (Bogotá) / 2.00 pm (Buenos Aires) / 6.00 pm (Turin).
Entitled “MIGRATIONS of ideas of modernity” speakers will be:
– José Carlos Huapaya Espinoza (Universidade Federal da Bahia)
“Fantasmas corbusieranos en el Perú: articulaciones, divulgación y reflexiones, 1939-1965”
– Silvia Aloisio (Iowa State University)
“L’Avana: migrazioni e contributi dall’Europa alle Americhe. L’influenza di Josè Luis Sert e Franco Albini nella pianificazione della modernità cubana”
– Barbara Boifava (Università IUAV di Venezia)
“Dalla Ville Verte alla Cidade Parque. Le Corbusier e Roberto Burle Marx”
Closing presentation by
– Juan Ignacio Del Cueto Ruiz-Funez (Director of Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
“Vecinos incómodos? Mies y Candela en la planta Bacardí-México”
hosted by:
Federica Ciarcià, Universidad de Belgrano | eX-momo
Fernando Martínez Nespral, Universidad de Belgrano | Universidad Autonoma de Buenos Aires | eX-momo
Seven sessions on a monthly basis, presented by international researchers reflecting on some of the protagonists of the Latin American Modern Movement who have developed urban projects for the continent, contributing to the debate on the contemporary urban landscape.
After the first lecture series (October-December 2020), “Roundtrip: From the Seine to the Rio de La Plata” (see more on YouTube Channel ex-momo) on the relationship between Le Corbusier and Argentina starting from the journey of 1929, in this second cycle will deepen the role of the protagonists of the Latin American Modern Movement through the architects – from Berta Zegarra Russo to German Semper, from Luz Amorocho to Lucio Costa – who developed an educational and professional relationship between the two continents.
The aim of these meetings is to reflect on urban projects, whether completed or not, the result of the exchanges of shared modernity between Europe and Latin America. Among the topics: the role of correspondence exchanges / the contribution of women architects / the realization of the urban proposals of the Modern Movement / preservation and enhancement of the heritage resulting from these exchanges.
To register, send an email to The lecture will be in Italian and Spanish.