A Global Survey on Education and Training for the Conservation of Twentieth-Century Built Heritage

Docomomo International is pleased to announce the publication: A Global Survey on Education and Training for the Conservation of Twentieth-Century Built Heritage, Margherita Pedroni, Cesar Bargues Ballester, Andrea Canziani, Wessel de Jonge, and Chandler McCoy, 2020.

“Docomomo International and the Getty Conservation Institute collaborated to assess the status of education and training on twentieth-century built heritage conservation worldwide. The Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (CMAI) of the Getty Conservation Institute and Docomomo’s International Specialist Committee on Education and Training (ISC/E+T) developed and distributed an online survey aimed at understanding whether the subject of twentieth-century built heritage conservation is being taught, and, if so, where and how.

In this report, we share the methodology and the findings of this survey with the goal of helping other organizations, academic institutions, and professionals involved in teaching heritage conservation develop an understanding of available resources and existing gaps in the field.

The report begins with an explanation of the survey’s purpose, the methodology employed, and the challenges encountered. The second section provides readers with a detailed presentation of the findings: the answers received from the institutions contacted are described and illustrated with tables and graphs. Finally, sections three and four summarize the findings and outline lessons and recommendations.

The recommendations at the end of the report will guide the future initiatives of the Getty Conservation Institute’s Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative and the DOCOMOMO International Specialist Committee on Education and Training (ISC/E+T) in their aim to contribute to twentieth-century built heritage conservation and support related educational efforts.

We hope this report will highlight areas of potential work or support, not only for our institutions, but also for others active in the field of heritage conservation.”

The publication is open access at: Research Report
More details: Getty Conservation Institute webpage