Docomomo International would like to share the call for papers for the 7th International Seminar “Museografia e Arquitetura de Museus: Tecnologia e Descolonização” [“Museography and Architecture of Museums: Technology and Decolonization”], organized by the Museum of Architecture Study Group of the Graduate Program in Architecture – Proarq, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Teachers, graduate students, researchers and professionals in Architecture, Museology and
Heritage are invited to participate in the 7th International Seminar “Museografia e Arquitetura de Museus: Tecnologia e Descolonização” [“Museography and Architecture of Museums: Technology and Decolonization”] to be held between 18th October and 12th December November 2021 in Lisbon, Madrid, Recife, Petrópolis and Rio de Janeiro.
From the point of view of transdisciplinary perspectives, the scope of Culture makes that the 7th International Seminar Museography and Architecture of Museums: Technology and Decolonization highlights Architecture and Museology, adding the social function of Patrimony. In this sense, the works and debates on the different aspects of the origins, plans and projects, as well as the management, creation and promotion of actions museological and museographic, must articulate the technical, political and social objectives of preservation of cities and heritage things of diverse origin and nature.
The presentations and debates will involve the expressions of Memory and History in respect to decolonization processes and technological innovations in cultural spaces. The works will cover the thematic interweavings of the architecture of museums and centers cultural activities, exhibitions and audiences, urban and building conservation and requalification, and change and adequacy of use of places and buildings with cultural significance. They add up to these contents the traditional and contemporary ways of living in society that are sensitive to technical and artistic transformations, as these categories reinforce social equality and identity diversity.
The deadline for submitting complete works is 30th June, 2021.
Please see the guidelines on the format of the texts, calendar and inscriptions, here. [Portuguese]