© Docomomo Chile
1st Seminar Women and Modern Architecture

Docomomo Chile, Centro del Patrimonio Cultural UC, Facultad de arquitectura, diseño y estudios urbanos UC and Escuela de arquitectura UC are holding their 1st Seminar, from 27th August to 8th October, online, with the theme “Women and Modern Architecture ”.

The “First Seminar on Women and Modern Architecture” addresses a field that in recent years has gained unusual relevance and has aroused widespread interest: the contribution that a group of women, acting from different fields, made to modern architecture so that it whatever it was; a revolutionary and transformative phenomenon that affected the lives of a multitude of modern women and men. The seminar seeks to contribute to the historical truth, propose a more complete explanation of the architectural phenomenon, but above all it tries to bring to the forefront of the discussion a series of actions that did not receive critical judgment from their peers at the time. nor have they occupied a clear or clear position in historiography, because those who built the official narrative of what happened tended to ignore them, due to malicious intent or carelessness.

Visit the official website here. [Spanish]