Between 17th and 27th November 2020 docomomo Chile held the Docomomo Chile Days: Chile in Momove (Modern Movement Virtual Exhibition). To review the conferences, please visit the Youtube page (Centro del Patrimonio Cultural UC). “Docomomo Chile and Equipo Centro del Patrimonio Cultural UC are inviting you to participate in the Docomomo Chile Days 2020. The conferences include various activities and have as a common denominator the enhancement and visibility of our modern heritage through “Modern Movement Virtual Exhibition” instance created by Docomomo Internacional to disseminate these works worldwide through the contribution of all its regional chapters.” The conference includes different…
Docomomo Chile, Centro del Patrimonio Cultural UC, Facultad de arquitectura, diseño y estudios urbanos UC and Escuela de arquitectura UC are holding their 1st Seminar, from 27th August to 8th October, online, with the theme “Women and Modern Architecture ”. The “First Seminar on Women and Modern Architecture” addresses a field that in recent years has gained unusual relevance and has aroused widespread interest: the contribution that a group of women, acting from different fields, made to modern architecture so that it whatever it was; a revolutionary and transformative phenomenon that affected the lives of a multitude of modern women and…
Dear Docomomo Chapters, Due to the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19, we are extending the deadline of June 1st to August 15th, 2020. A plan for new documentation homework has been approved in the last Council Meeting, August 30th, 2018 (Ljubljana, Slovenia), proposed by the ISC/Registers. With the aim of moving forward to the documentation of conservation good practices, Docomomo Working Parties (WP) have to submit: Working Parties that already have submitted 30 Documentation Fiches and uploaded 50 sites to MOMOVE: (a) 1 fiche for 2019 and 1 fiche for 2020, on an example of Good Conservation Practice. Download the template here: link, and here: link. (b) A bibliography with 5-10 publications (books or articles) on Modern Movement…
Docomomo Chile, together with Fondecyt Project 1181290, Active Arica and Arica City Hall, has organized a conference wich will take place 18th December 2019 (17h30), at the Arica Municipal Library, in Arica. The speakers are Ruth Verde Zein, docomomo Brazil, with the communication “Brazil, Architectures for the Country of the Future” and Horácio Torrent, chair of docomomo Chile, with the communication “Arica, Developing architectures”. To know more visit docomomo Chile facebook page.
Docomomo Chile, together with Centro UC Patrimonio Cultural and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, are hosting a presentation about the Keeping it Modern project, by the Getty Foundation. The presentation will be given by Antoine Wilmering, at Salón Sergio Larraín, in the Campus Lo Contador, El Comendador 1916, Providencia. This event starts at 18:30, on the 10th December 2018.
“Docomomo Chile, Docomomo International and the Faculty of Architecture Design and Urban Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, are organizing a meeting on good practices on modern heritage between 21st and 24th March 2018. The theme of best practices on modern heritage refers to the set of procedures, ethical guidelines, principles and actions that – through exemplary cases – can configure the most appropriate, judicious and efficient course of action for sustainability, conservation, better management and good design regarding the relationship between heritage and new architecture. The preservation of modern buildings and complexes, as well as urban spaces…
On 30th August 2017, the San Sebastian University will have the Simposium Emilio Duhart at the Escuela de Arquitectura in Santiago, Chile. This event aims to honor the life of architect and urbanist Emilio Duarte (1917-2017) and features Fernando Perez, Horacio Torrent, Veronica Esparza, and Cristian Berros. More details: Download PDF [Spanish]