Talk by Dr Scott Robertson: Docomomo & Conservation of the Modern

Event at Tusculum, Sydney. “Bierman Henket Architecten and Wessel de Jonge Architecten were awarded the 2010 World Monuments Fund/ Knoll Modernism Prize for their restoration of Zonnestraal Sanatorium. Dr Scott Robertson, the President of Docomomo Australia and the winner of the 2017 Bathurst Macquarie Heritage Medal, discusses the relationship between the theory and practice of conservation of architecture from the Modern Movement and the dilemma of conserving buildings and sites designed in the early days of the Modern Movement to have a limited life. Whilst the fabric of Modern Movement buildings is of importance, the design intent of the original architect…

Conference: Docomomo Slide night

Slide Night: 1st June 2016, 18:00, Walsh Street, Boyd Foundation, South Yarra, Australia SPEAKERS: Tony Lee, Boyd Foundation, talking about ‘Benchmarking Walsh Street’ – a comparative survey of modernist museum houses in LA Marika Neustupny, NMBW Architects, talking about ‘Shinohara & Kikutake  – house with an earthern floor & Skyhouse, Japan; Libby Richardson, PhD candidate the University of Melbourne, talking about ‘Modern churches in Melbourne’. More details: website