UIA International Women in Architecture Committee

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day celebrated today 8th March, Docomomo International wants to share some details about the UIA International Women in Architecture Committee.

“The 140th UIA Council session of 23 July 2020 approved the establishment of a new UIA “International Women in Architecture” Committee to recognize the contributions, leadership and engagement of women architects in national and international organizations.

The Committee was founded to promote women’s advancement in the field of architecture, to ensure that women’s excellence is celebrated and represented and to create opportunities for visibility, advancement and recognition through the UIA’s Working Bodies and activities.

The first inaugural International Women in Architecture Committee consists of five female Council members representing each of the five UIA regions: Istelianna Atanassova (Region II – Eastern Europe and the Middle East), the group’s originator and chair, Natalie Mossin (Region I – Western Europe), Rim Safar Sakkal (Region III – The Americas), Pei Ing Tan (Region IV – Asia and Oceania), who led in establishing UIA gender equity policy, and Jacinta Kabarungi (Region V – Africa).

Read more about the UIA International Women in Architecture committee here, and on the UIA website.