Out now: HPA Journal issue – 1923-2023. Fernando Távora at 100

Docomomo Portugal is pleased to announce that the publication of a special issue of the HPA journal Histories of Postwar Architecture entitled “1923-2023. Fernando Távora at 100”, is now out. Edited by José António Bandeirinha, Antonio Esposito, Giovanni Leoni and Giovanni Bellucci it is a fitting tribute to a key Portuguese modern architect.

The issue counts with an article by Prof. Ana Tostões, Docomomo Portugal Chair: “The Search for Eternity and the Polyphony Prodigy in Távora” along many other articles by Portuguese researchers and members of Docomomo Portugal.

No. 11 (2022): 1923-2023. Fernando Távora at 100
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2611-0075/v5-n11-2022