Recently docomomo International informed about the exhibition “The Future as a Project | Doxiadis In Skopje”, supported by docomomo Greece.
Docomomo International is now happy to announce the release of the exhibition catalogue “The Future as a Project. Doxiadis in Skopje”. It presents for the first time Doxiadis’ work in Skopje, which includes strategic plans for the city and a new outline for the master plan. In addition, it presents the work of Kenzo Tange for Skopje’s city centre, and showcases a series of modernist buildings authored by leading Yugoslavian architects that still stand in the city today. It finally comments on ‘Skopje 2014’ project and its ‘conflict’ with the modern heritage of the city.
The earthquake
The days after: Skopje’s first steps towards reconstruction
Christos-Georgios Kritikos
The Skopje Urban Plan Project and Doxiadis Associates
The protagonists of Skopje’s reconstruction
Ines Tolic
Designing on a moving terrain: Doxiadis Associates and the reconstruction of Skopje
Kostas Tsiambaos
The City Center and Post-earthquake Architecture
The City That Could Have Been
Vlatko P. Korobar
The architecture of the post-earth quake renewal of Skopje
Ana Ivanovska Deskova, Jovan Ivanovski, Vladimir Deskov
Between utopia and pragmatism: A synoptic overview of architectural modernism in socialist Yugoslavia
Maroje Mrduljaš
The white swan: the foundations of the Museum of Contemporary Art
Zoran Petrovski
The Legacy and Adventures of Skopje’s Modern Heritage
‘Skopje 2014’ and the Return of History
Kalliopi Amygdalou
The publication was edited by Kalliopi Amygdalou, Kostas Tsiambaos and Christos-Georgios Kritikos, and created with support of docomomo Greece.
The catalogue is available through Benaki museum and the Hellenic Institute of Architecture.