Publication “Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction” 

Docomomo International is pleased to share the launch of a new joint publication between ICOMOS and ICCROM, Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction.


“The joint ICOMOS-ICCROM publication, Analysis of Case Studies in Recovery and Reconstruction brings together the voices and experiences of international experts and practitioners working in the field. These case studies address post-trauma recovery and reconstruction – from Mexico to New Zealand. The analytical approach to this diverse set of case studies highlights cross cutting issues, including the involvement of local communities to the sustainability of the recovery process. This highly collaborative project between ICOMOS and ICCROM-Sharjah has provided a rich opportunity for both organizations to learn from case studies addressing post-trauma recovery and reconstruction around the world.”


You can download the two volumes of the publication dedicated to the case studies on ICOMOS Open Archive:

Volume 1

Volume 2

A detailed articled about the project is also available here.