© monade
Conversation around the book “Imagining the Evident” by Álvaro Siza

Docomomo Internation would like to draw your attention for the publication of a referential book by Álvaro Siza on his own work, in its first English edition. The edition of the English translation Imagining the Evident is going to be celebrated by the Monade and the Istituto di Studi Urbani e del Paesaggio (ISUP) of the Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio – Università della Svizzera Italiana, with a conversation around the book between Álvaro Siza, Kenneth Frampton, Jonathan Sergison, João Gomes da Silva and Daniela Sá.
The conversation will happen on 22nd June 2021, at 6.00 pm (GMT+1). It will be live streamed in English without subtitles on www.arc.usi.ch and on USI Mendrisio’s Vimeo channel.

Describing some of his projects, his expectations and struggles, references and decisions, this book is a fundamental contribution to the understanding of Álvaro Siza’s architectural thinking.
The text is accompanied by an extensive set of drawings from his notebooks, an obstinate presence in Siza’s particular way of working, some of which never published before.
A personal and fundamental testimony of one of the most celebrated living architects, covering the full range of design – from architecture to city planning, furniture and objects – in a must-read book for all interested in Art and Architecture.

To purchase the book, please go to monade’s website.