After the international congress entitled Bauhaus and Greece: The New Idea of Synthesis in Art and Architecture, held in Athens, from the 30th May to 1st June 2019, the video recordings are now available on Youtube.
The conference aimed to created a discussion around two main topics: the first, was the Bauhaus reception in Greece and other countries before and after the Second World War. In the special case of Greece, the influences of modern European culture on the arts, architecture and art education during these periods. The second topic was about other international initiatives that directly or indirectly referred to the Bauhaus or even aimed at its re-founding, such as the project of Mendelsohn, Wijdeveld and Ozenfant to create a Mediterranean Academy, the Black Mountain College in North Carolina, the New Bauhaus in Chicago, the “White City” of Tel Aviv, the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm and others.
You can see the outcomes of this conference at the Bauhaus 2019 site or visit the youtube channel created.