International Docomomo Workshop – The Adaptive Reuse of the Lisbon riverside area: the MMC case study
docomomo International Workshop
The Adaptive Reuse of the Lisbon riverside area: the MMC case study
Lisbon, Portugal, 1-5 September 2016

Every two years, since 2006, docomomo International organises an international workshop, in the framework of the International docomomo Conference, dedicated to students, researchers and professionals worldwide. The aim is to study the possibilities of managing change and future challenges in architecture, landscapes and urban areas through learning taken from the Modern Movement as a basis for the future. The next edition will be held at Instituto Superior Tecnico – Lisbon University, from the 1st to the 5th September, 2016. The case study will be the Manutencao Militar Complex [Military Maintenance] (MMC).The MMC was an industrial facility that produced food, uniforms and other goods for the Portuguese Army. The first bakery was accommodated in a former Convent Convento das Grilas by the end of the 19th Century. During the 20th Century, due to the needs during the First World War and, in particular, during the UltramarWar (Portuguese Colonial War) in the 1960s, the complex was expanded.Whilst the Portuguese Army reached 200,000 men in the 1960s, it is now reduced to 20,000 active soldiers. This has led to a reduction of the investment in the factories to the point that they were found to be obsolete and that it would be more advantageous to outsource the supply of military food. Gradually the factories closed and Manutencao Militar was finally substituted by a public enterprise MM-Gestao Partilhada in 2015.

The termination of the industrial production raised the problem of finding new sustainable uses for this area on the Tagus riverfront, between the Pombaline City Harbour Terreiro do Paco and the Contemporary Parque das Nacoes. This is a challenging task: any future solution needs to have a dialogue with this current industrial heritage, which is deeply connected with recent Portuguese history, as well as with the Lisbon riverside area and the contemporary city.

Through working with experienced teachers and architects from different nationalities and backgrounds, students will develop new analytical skills and working methods. Students will also be able to work in an historic Lisbon facility of outstanding size which is in a very good state of preservation.

The workshop will provide a forum in which students, researchers and practitioners from different backgrounds will be able to discuss different aspects of the reuse of vacant Modern Movement buildings. The discussion based on a real case study will allow learning by doing.

The purpose of the workshop is to make a significant contribution to the development of the MMC. The aim is to dissect and extract key issues and opportunities to propose a strategy of symbiosis between past values, current conditions and future possibilities, presenting it to the stakeholders and to the general public. The final presentations will be featured in the docomomo media channels and network.

Finally, this is a way of calling the public attention to the fact that sustainability can be reached through the conservation of architectural heritage. With an emphasis on reuse and respect for the past, through intelligent re-development and community awareness, this workshop intends to be one of the first steps for the sustainable future of the MMC.

The main outcome will be a selection of projects and ideas that can contribute to the solution to be adopted in the future of the MMC area. The teams will be asked to design a plan and enunciate the theoretical principles and intervention guidelines. The proposals will be required to respect the industrial heritage and to innovate in terms of new uses and functions. The proposals can be presented in a wide variety of media from video to models or posters and they will be exhibited during the 14th International docomomo Conference.


João Pedro Falcão de Campos
Daniela Arnaut
João Santa Rita
Tecnico – University of Lisbon (PT)

Workshop Scientific Board
Antonio Ricardo da Costa
Tecnico – University of Lisbon (PT)
Eui-Sung Yi
Morphosis Architects (US)
José Miguel Rodrigues
FA – University of Porto (PT)
Maria Manuel Oliveira
SA – University of Minho (PT)
Nuno Grande
DARQ – University of Coimbra (PT)
Ricardo Bak Gordon
Tecnico – University of Lisbon (PT)
Theodore Prudon
Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (US)

Workshop Tutors
Alex Dill
University of Karlsruhe – KIT (GE)
Eui-Sung Yi
Morphosis Architects (US)
Gonçalo Canto Moniz
DARQ – University of Coimbra (PT)
Graça Correia
FA – University of Porto (PT)
Hielkje Zijlstra
Delft University of Technology (NL)
Ivo Oliveira
SA – University of Minho (PT)
João Pedro Falcão de Campos
Técnico – University of Lisbon (PT)
Job Roos
Delft University of Technology (NE)
Marieke Kuipers
Delft University of Technology; Netherlands Agency for Cultural Heritage (NE)
Michel Melenhorst
Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, University of Applied Sciences (GE)
Nuno Grande
DARQ – University of Coimbra (PT)
Pedro Bandeira
SA – University of Minho (PT)
Pedro Belo Ravara
FAL – University of Lisbon (PT)
Ricardo Bak Gordon
Técnico – University of Lisbon (PT)
Ruth Verde Zein
Mackenzie Presbyterian University (BR)
Theodore Prudon
Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (US)
Wessel de Jonge
Delft University of Technology (NL)
Wido Quist
Delft University of Technology (NL)
Wolfgang Jung
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (GE)

More details: website.