13th DOCOMOMO Council Meeting

The 13th DOCOMOMO Council Meeting was held last 26th September 2014, in Seoul, Korea.

. Angola, Israel, Kuwait, Taiwan and Thailand were approved as new DOCOMOMO Working Parties.
. DOCOMOMO Egypt, DOCOMOMO Hong Kong and DOCOMOMO Macao became active Working Parties, losing their provisional status.
. Zara Ferreira was elected as General Secretary of DOCOMOMO International. DOCOMOMO International assigned to Ivan Blasi, who drop his position, a vote of recognition for his work and commitment with DOCOMOMO in the last 4 years.
. The 14th International Docomomo Conference (2016) will be held in Lisbon, under the theme of “Adaptative ReUse”.
. The DOCOMOMO International Specialist Committee on Publications was re-created.
. ISC/Registers: Panayotis Tournikiotis and Marieke Kuipers dropped their positions as Chair and Secretaty, respectively, and were elected as editors. Louise Noelle was elected as interim chair and Maria Rocha Pinto as secretary.
. ISC/Technology: Susan MacDonald dropped her position as secretary. Uta Pottgiesser was elected as the new secretary.
. The new Executive Committee is constituted by Ana Tostoes (Chair of Docomomo International), Zara Ferreira (General Secretary of Docomomo International), Louise Noelle (Representative of the ISCs) and Panayotis Tournikiotis (Former representative of the ISCs).
. The Eindhoven-Seoul Statement 2014 was approved, addressing DOCOMOMO future challenges focused in the theme of reuse and sustainability.

DOCOMOMO International wishes to call attention on the future of DOCOMOMO International. All the Working Parties are invited to send candidacies for hosting the future headquarters of DOCOMOMO International, 2017-2022.