Visions and Change. Young designers building ideas
With the launch of the competition, the 2019 edition of the Federico Maggia Prize is launched, which aims to promote the confrontation between young designers by stimulating new visions on the existing spaces of the area of Biella, Italy.
The path, started in 2013 with “Industrie Dismesse. Young designers building ideas“, which focused on the wool factory of Maurizio Sella, and later, in 2015, expanded to the landscape, urban and cultural context with “Industrial landscapes. Young designers building ideas”, in order to spread across provincial areas.
To give consistency to the process and encourage a virtuous and closer connection between the Prize and the territory, a participatory system was introduced for the choice of areas of intervention which, for the 2019 edition, will be identified and proposed by external parties through a public notice or alternatively indicated by the same competitors admitted to the selection.
The Prize is reserved for individuals or groups of 2 to 4 members, graduates in Engineering and Architecture, born after May 5th, 1989, residing in Italy.
Participants should pay particular attention to the issue of environmental sustainability with the possibility of integration of other subjects in deepening the theme.
Chair of Jury – architect Mario Botta
Nino Cerruti (designer and president of Lanificio Cerruti)
Yves Nacher (director of the forum d´Urbanisme et d´Architecture in Nice)
Gianni Massa (deputy chairman of the National Council of Engineers)
Marina Salamon (entrepreneur)
Marco Trisciuoglio (Professor of Politecnico di Torino)
The jury will award the Maggia Prize 2019 worth 10,000 euros and two mentions.
Important dates:
5th May: deadline for applications and closing public notice
31st May: publication of the 10 finalists and areas of intervention
7th June: presentation of the areas of intervention and inspections
10th June – 5th July: period for the collection of electronic questions
10th July: answers to the telematic questions
14th – 22nd September: exhibition setup
3rd October: proclamation of the winner, award ceremony and inauguration of the exhibition
4th November: closing of the exhibition
To know more, please visit: website [Italian]