© Ady Sasaran
Mies in Translation

The Farnsworth House – Barnsworth Gallery is presenting the exhibition Mies in Translation, which will open on the 15th September with the presence of the exhibition curator William Huchting of makeArchitecture.
The exhibition will feature architectural models of selected projects designed by Mies van der Rohe, including the Barcelona Pavilion, the 1940 IIT Campus plan, and the unbuilt Brussels Pavilion. These projects embody the evolution of Mies’s signature “free plan”– a framework of structural order giving way to unobstructed, free-flowing open space – from a residential to an urban scale. They will be framed through the lens of the writings of the Roman Catholic theologian Romano Guardini, and the markings and notes Mies made in his personal copies of Guardini’s works, which will be displayed, translated and applied to an understanding of his architecture and his place in history.

To know more, visit the Fransworth House website.