The Epidemic Urbanism Initiative (EUI) is pleased to announce a new series of conversations entitled “Conversations on the Urban Implications and Experience of Epidemics.” As part of this series, in recent months, we have been joined by leading scholars and practitioners from a range of disciplines–including public health, medicine, design, history, architecture, psychology, medicine, and many more–to begin articulating and reflecting upon the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban life.
These conversations have explored short- and long-term impacts of the pandemic and prolonged social distancing measures on work and workplaces; creative communities and cultural institutions; architectural education; built and social infrastructures; questions about scientific expertise and interventions into everyday life; and more. Links to these conversations follow below:
- Urban Life During Pandemics, Dr. Sandro Galea
- Urban Infrastructure During Pandemics, Dr. Monica Schoch-Spana
- Urban Design and Planning During Pandemics, Dr. Richard Jackson
- Urban Governance During Pandemics, Dr. Joshua Sharfstein
- The Impact of Educational and Cultural Institutions During Pandemics, Dr. Roger Mandle
- Pandemics, Work, and Workplaces, Dr. Cristina Banks & Dr. Ed Yelin
- Epidemics, Industrial Revolution, and Scientific Expertise: What to Expect in the Post-COVID Era, Dr. Robert Kargon
- Architectural Education in the Post-COVID Era, Dr. Ashraf Salama
For the next phase of this project, we invite members of the EUI community to submit proposals for conversations they would like to facilitate with visionary scholars, leaders, practitioners, and decision-makers to explore the experience and/or implications of COVID-19 in urban contexts and its potential short-term or long term impacts on urbanism and urban culture. These conversations can either be monologues (wherein the invited guest speaks for 10-15 minutes on the designated topic), a dialogue with you, and/or a conversation among multiple interviewees. All conversations will be recorded by the applicant and uploaded to the EUI YouTube channel.
If you are interested in facilitating a conversation, please submit the following to by Monday, October 5th, 2020:
- Your name and affiliation
- The name and affiliation of the person or people you want to interview*
- Your proposed form of engagement (monologue, dialogue, Q&A)
- A brief summary of the topic area this conversation will explore
- A brief description of the value you believe this conversation will add to our collective understanding of the experience and implications of urban epidemics.
Detailed instructions will be shared with accepted applicants.
For more detailed information, click here.