“Universidad Europea de Madrid undertakes the mission to promote all types of research and in all fields. REIA applies this undertaking to the field of architecture research.
REIA is involved in increasing dissemination of research to increase knowledge in the field of architecture as understood within the scope of cross-disciplinary knowledge, and dealing with the management of the physical and cultural complexity of the human-built environment. We intend to use this as an outlet for work that sits on the boundaries between disciplines.
REIA is open to researchers, theoreticians, PhD students, historians, critics, to all architects and non-architects, and to anyone intending to make an original and thorough contribution to knowledge in the ever-expanding field that we call architecture.
REIA comprises a Scientific Committee made up of prominent researchers and theoreticians, is governed by an Editorial Board, and executive work is carried out by an editorial team.
REIA endeavors to guarantee the quality of published work via a system of blind peer review of incoming originals by members of the Scientific Committee.
REIA does not involve an editorial line, and accepts papers with an open choice of topic. Publication thereof is subject exclusively to their quality, which is validated through blind peer review.
REIA is published every six months and is included on the AVERY INDEX, LATINDEX and DIALNET.”
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