Leonardo Mosso: the poetry of structure

Leonardo Mosso (1926-2020) was able to combine art and architecture. He was a collector and an interpreter of 20th century culture that he shared and passed on to succeeding generations of students and collaborators who attended the Alvar Aalto Institute. For many, he was an unsung Maestro, a generous polymath, who maintained an extraordinary curiosity and child-like enthusiasm throughout his long life.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Leonardo Mosso, Italian modern architecture.

Issue 64
Year 2021
Pages 89
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/64.A.3QDP8M1X

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Eliana Cárdenas

It is more common for disciples to write memories of their old masters that it is for a master to bear the hard news of the death of one of his disciples. It is painful and sad to face and deal with the death of Eliana Cardenas, the leading historian of architecture in Cuba.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Eliana Cárdenas, Cuban modern architecture.

Issue 42
Year 2010
Pages 122-123
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/42.A.PXG3LQDW

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Dennis Sharp

Dennis died on the 6th May after a serious illness that bothered him for several years. He leaves behind his wife Yasmin, his daughter Melani, his son Deen and many friends all over the world. He was a universal man: architect, scholar, critic, writer, teacher, bookseller, cook and walking encyclopedia. He collaborated with architects like Santiago de Calatrava. His books Modern Architecture and Expression (1966) and 20th century architecture - a visual history (1972) became classics. He made exhibitions, was the editor of the magazine World Architecture, he was professor at the Open University and for the development of docomomo he was of vital importance.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Dennis Sharp.

Issue 42
Year 2010
Pages 120-122
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/42.A.6R1UKFT9

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Arie Sivan, 1940-2010. In Memoriam

Designer, architect, educator, researcher, critic, polemicist, Arie’s multifaceted and ceaseless activity was, sadly, cut short just a week after his participation and lectures at the docomomo Congress and Icomos in Mexico, last August. His formative years at the Architecture faculties in Montevideo, Uruguay, and the Technion in Haifa during the late sixties, were decisive for his long lasting belief in the Modern Movement instrumental role in the creation of “A new society” and, in his words, “A creative relation between people, their environment and their time”.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Arie Sivan, Israeli modern architecture.

Issue 43
Year 2010
Pages 85
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/43.A.6LNDGTPH

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Ricardo Legorreta. An Architect in Search of Modernity within Tradition

Ricardo Legorreta is one of the Mexican contemporary architects who have garnered the most recognition; only in 2011 he was distinguished as Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, and the Praemium Imperiale in Japan. One year before, on August 27 at the docomomo Conference held in Mexico City, he gave a memorable Keynote Speech on the main figures of the Modern Movement in Mexico, José Villagrán and Luis Barragán, that the attendants treasured in their memories.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Ricardo Legorreta, Mexican modern architecture.

Issue 46
Year 2012
Pages 90-91
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/46.A.0NTAVNJ1

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Roberto Segre, 1934-2013. A Life of Adventure that Ends with a Banal Tragedy

Born in 1934 in Milan, Roberto Segre migrated to Argentina with his family in 1939, fleeing the anti–Semitism of Benito Mussolini’s fascist government. He graduated as an architect at the University of Buenos Aires in 1960 and soon after, in 1963, settled in La Havana, Cuba, where he taught history of architecture for three decades. In 1994, he began his career as a Brazilian researcher and professor on graduate courses in urban planning at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where he served until March 2013. During these decades of professional activity, he came to be respected as a critic and historian, publishing many books and articles of the utmost importance on Latin American architecture.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Roberto Segre.

Issue 48
Year 2013
Pages 93
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/48.A.I0E84O9Q

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Clorindo Testa, 1923-2013

It is with regret and sadness that docomomo Argentina informs the international docomomo community that architect Clorindo Testa passed away on April 11 2013. Testa was an architect and urban planner but also a painter whose artistic sensitivity has been always present in the way he conceived architecture.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Clorindo Testa, Argentinian modern architecture.

Issue 48
Year 2013
Pages 92
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/48.A.2HAXYCG9

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Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, 1919-2013. Requiem for Pedro

The news of his death was instantly dispersed, displacing all other issues of national or international interest. When I read the message that Louise Noelle sent to all docomomo Mexico members, I accepted it as a plain and sad confirmation of what had happened: “Dear colleagues, this tragic note is to inform about the death of architect Pedro Ramírez Vázquez today, April 16. He was one of the most prominent architects of the Modern Movement and his work has been part of our writings”.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, Mexican modern architecture.

Issue 48
Year 2013
Pages 91-92
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/48.A.2LBJMDZ6

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Oscar Niemeyer, 1907-2012

Modern master Oscar Niemeyer (1907-2012) was the most important Brazilian architect. Graduated in the Escola Nacional de Belas–Artes in 1934, he soon became world–known for his role, together with Lúcio Costa (1902–1998), with the design of the Brazilian Ministry of Education (1937) in Rio de Janeiro; or for their Brazilian Pavillion in New York World Fair in 1939. His solo work in the Pampulha buildings was immediately published in the catalogue of the “Brazil Builds” exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in 1943.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Oscar Niemeyer, Brazilian modern architecture.

Issue 48
Year 2013
Pages 90
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/48.A.29JBINRT

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Towns are made from houses – Jean-Pierre Watel (1933-2016)

Jean-Pierre Watel (1933-2016) has not been forgotten in the history of contemporary architecture. Gérard Monnier recounts the architect’s success in the 1960’s, his single-family houses and a domestic modernity largely linked to his design of North European-style houses: a central living room, an assumed horizontality and large sections of glass. His main constructions were mentioned or have featured in the professional magazines as well as in the more mainstream press - ensuring recognition from his peers and the aspirations of potential clients. The houses grouped together into new towns were also lavishly commented on for their stylistic affiliations

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Jean-Pierre Watel, Modern housing.

Issue 63
Year 2020
Pages 89-91
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/63.A.UG2EFZB8

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