Alexander von Vegesack

In July 2012, Bárbara Coutinho, Director of MUDE–Design and Fashion Museum, Francisco Capelo’s Collection since 2006, interviewed Alexander Von Vegesack, founding Director of the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein and the person who set up Thonet Museum in Boppard am Rhein. The subject of this interview is the importance of Collect—Curate—Exhibit—Publish to the Preservation and Communication of Modern Architecture/Design.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Modern interior design, Furniture modern design, Modern global design, Alexander von Vegesack, Collect, Curate, Exhibit, Publish, Preservation and architectural communication, Modern design conservation.

Issue 47
Year 2012
Pages 80-83

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Herman Hertzberger: an Interview on Education

Herman Hertzberger is one of the main actors of the debate that relates Architecture with Education. He is not only the architect of many school buildings, but he is also the author of the book Space and Learning where he reflects about education and more specifically about how architecture contributes to the education issue and vice–versa.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Architectural education, Education of modern architecture, Herman Hertzberger.

Issue 49
Year 2013
Pages 70-72

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João Luís Carrilho da Graça interviewed by Ana Tostões

On July 2016, Ana Tostões interviewed João Luís Carrilho da Graça, one of the main Portuguese contemporary architects, in order to discuss the riverside projects that he has been developing for the future of Lisbon. João Luís Carrilho da Graça was born in 1952, Portalegre, and studied architecture at the Lisbon School of Fine Art (1977). He was assistant lecturer at the Lisbon School of Fine Art (1977-1992), full professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (2001-2010) and the University of Évora (2005-2013). He coordinated the departments of Architecture in both institutions until 2010, and was responsible for the creation of the PhD in Architecture at the latter institution, which he also directed (2011-2013). He was professor at the University of Navarra (2005, 2007, 2010, 2014) and at the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning of Cornell University, New York (2015). Since 2014, he has been full professor at the School of Architecture, University of Lisbon. He is the principle of the architectural office João Luís Carrilho da Graça Arquitectos with an extensive work built. He was nominated and selected for the Mies van der Rohe European Prize in Architecture (1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015) and received several awards, such as the AICA (1992), the Secil (1994), the FAD (1999), the Valmor (1998), the Pessoa (2008), the Order of Merit of the Portuguese Republic (1999), the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres from the French Republic (2010) and the Medal of the Académie d’Architecture of France (2012). In 2013, he received an Honorary Doctorate degree from the School of Architecture of the University of Lisbon and in 2015 the Royal Institute of British Architects International Fellowship.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Lisbon modern architecture, Estado Novo, Modern urban planning, João Luís Carrilho da Graça, Lisbon Cruise Ship Terminal, Urban space.

Issue 55
Year 2016
Pages 84-86

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José Augusto França interviewed by Ana Tostões

On April 2016, Ana Tostões interviewed Professor José-Augusto França, the Portuguese modern art researcher of reference on the contemporary era, in order to discuss the key modern structure that made the shift towards a Modern Lisbon. José-Augusto França (b. 1922, Tomar) is historian, sociologist and critic of art. He has a graduation in Historical and Philosophical Sciences (1944, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon), a PhD in History (1962, Paris-Sorbonne University, Une Ville des Lumères: la Lisbonne de Pombal), a diploma on Sociology of the Art (1963, L'Art et la Société Portugaise au XXè siècle) and a PhD in Letters (1969, Paris-Sorbonne University, Le Romantisme au Portugal). He is professor emeritus of the Nova University of Lisbon, where he created the first Art History masters of the country (1976). He was Director of the Portuguese Cultural Center of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Paris (1983), President of the National Academy of Fine Arts (1985) and member of the UNESCO Comité du Patrimoine Mondial. He is a reference author in the field of visual and cultural arts in Portugal, being the first one identifying and presenting modern architecture in Portugal in his Arte em Portugal no Século XX (1974). Among his works stand out studies on art in Portugal in the 19th and 20th centuries, as several volumes of essays on historical, sociological and aesthetic reflection on contemporary art issues. He has received the Medal of Honor of the City of Lisbon (1992), the Grand Officer (1991) and the Grand Cross (2006) of the Infante D. Henrique Order and the Grand Cross of the Order of Public Instruction (1992).

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Lisbon modern architecture, Estado Novo, Modern urban planning, José Augusto França, Instituto Superior Técnico.

Issue 55
Year 2016
Pages 83

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Gonçalo Byrne interviewed by Ana Tostões

On July 2016, Ana Tostões interviewed the architect Gonçalo Byrne who has been deeply reflecting, writing and interviewing in the city through projects of reference, in order to broadly understand the evolution of the city, with an emphasis on the modernity of the 1758 Baixa Pombalina Plan, and its contemporary and future potential, grounded in its roots. Gonçalo Byrne was born in 1941, Alcobaça, studied architecture at the Lisbon School of Fine Art (1968) and is Doctor Honoris Causa (2005) from the Technical University of Lisbon and the University of Alghero. He has been professor in several universities such as the University of Navarra, the University of Alghero, the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, the École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, the Università IUAV di Venezia, the Harvard University, the Politecnico di Milano and the University of Coimbra. He is the principal of Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos, in Lisbon, with an extensive work both in terms of scale, program and context, including urban planning and building design, urban renewal and project management such as the renewal of the Bank of Portugal headquarters (with João Pedro Falcão de Campos), the renewal of the Thalia Theatre in Lisbon (with Barbas Lopes Arquitectos), the renewal of the Machado de Castro National Museum in Coimbra, the renewal of the Trancoso Castel and the renewal of the Santa Maria Abbey surroundings in Alcobaça. He has received the AICA Award (1988), the Valmor Award (2000), the Gold Medal from the France’s Académie d’architecture Française (2000) and the Piranesi Prix de Rome (2014).

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Lisbon modern architecture, Estado Novo, Modern urban planning, Gonçalo Byrne, Lisbon Baixa Pombalina, Urban growth.

Issue 55
Year 2016
Pages 78-82

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Manuel Salgado interviewed by Ana Tostões

On August 2016, Ana Tostões interviewed the architect Manuel Salgado, councilor of the Municipality of Lisbon since 2007, in order to discuss the main policies undertaken and his ideas on urban planning in its connection to mobility infrastructures, public space and the continuous reconstruction of park and green areas, in Lisbon. Manuel Salgado was born in 1944, Lisbon, and studied architecture at the Lisbon School of Fine Art (1968). From 1971 to 1982, he was the technical responsible for the architectural office CIPRO and in 1984 he became manager of the architectural office Risco. From 2002 to 2008, he was architecture professor, at Instituto Superior Técnico. He has participated in conferences worldwide and widely published, on urban planning, and has designed major urban projects and buildings in Portugal: the Belém Cultural Centre (with Vittorio Gregotti), the Lisbon Theatre and Film School, the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, the Expo’98 public areas, the FC Porto Dragão Stadium, the Lisbon Luz Hospital, etc. His architectural and public space projects received several awards: the Valmor Award (1980, 1998), the International Award Architecture in Stone (1993), the AICA Award (1998); the Portuguese National Design Award (1999) and the Brick in Architecture Award (2003). Within the Municipality of Lisbon, he took the position of councilor of the Urbanism and Strategic Planning Department in 2007, which accumulates, from 2009 to 2013, with the Municipality Vice-Presidency. Currently, as councilor, heads the Department of Planning, Urbanism, Urban Rehabilitation, Public Space and Construction of the Municipality of Lisbon.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Lisbon modern architecture, Estado Novo, Modern urban planning, Manuel Salgado, Mobility infrastructures, Public space.

Issue 55
Year 2016
Pages 74-77

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Fumihiko Maki

Contributing to the debate on the development of modern architecture in the Asian countries, in March 2017, Ana Tostões interviewed Fumihiko Maki, one of the greatest Asian architects engaged with the modern project, and member of the Metabolism group. Maki is currently developing a number of projects in Asia, including the Taipei Main Station Redevelopment in Taiwan, Shenzhen Sea World Culture and Arts Center in China, and the New City Hall of Yokohama, Japan.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Southeast Asian architecture, Modern urban planning, Tropical architecture, Fumihiko Maki, Metabolism.

Issue 57
Year 2017
Pages 82-85

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Jong Soung Kimm

On the 15th February 2018, in New York City, Ana Tostões interviewed Jong Soung Kimm, an internationally renowned architect and educator, a collaborator at the office of Mies van der Rohe (1961–1972) and design studio teacher at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago (1966–1978). He is founder and honorary president of SAC(Seoul Architects Consultants) International Ltd.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Mies van der Rohe, International Style, Rehabilitation of modern architecture, Documentation of modern architecture, Archives of architecture.

Issue 56
Year 2019
Pages 88-89

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Fritz Neumeyer

In June 2017, Ana Tostões interviewed Fritz Neumeyer, reference expert on Mies van der Rohe, in order to discuss the importance of Mies’s legacy. Neumeyer conducted a deep research on Mies's writings and intellectual activity that has resulted in the worldwide renowned publication Mies van der Rohe. Das kunstlose Wort. Gedanken zur Baukunst [The Artless Word: Mies Van der Rohe on the Building Art] (Berlin, 1986; Cambridge/London, 1991; Madrid/Paris/Milan, 1996; Seoul 2007 — see p. 93) offering a precursor critical anthology of Mies theoretical corpus.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Mies van der Rohe, International Style, Rehabilitation of modern architecture, Documentation of modern architecture, Archives of architecture.

Issue 56
Year 2017
Pages 86-87

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William Whitaker interviewed by Ana Tostões

In February 2018, Ana Tostões interviewed William Whitaker, curator and collections manager of the Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania School of Design, where the Louis I. Kahn Collection is hosted, in order to debate the importance of documentation for the preservation of Kahn’s legacy. William Whitaker was curatorial consultant of the exhibition Louis Kahn: The Power of Architecture (Vitra Design Museum, 2012) and is the co-author of The Houses of Louis I. Kahn (with George Marcus, 2013), the first comprehensive publication on the architect’s house designs. The management of the Louis I. Kahn Collection has been having a fundamental role, not only in the documentation and interpretation of Kahn’s life and work, but also in the success of the contemporary rehabilitation projects undertaken in his buildings.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Louis Kahn, Modern monumentality, Conservation of modern architecture, Documentation of modern architecture, Archives of architecture.

Issue 58
Year 2018
Pages 63-65

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