Fritz Neumeyer

In June 2017, Ana Tostões interviewed Fritz Neumeyer, reference expert on Mies van der Rohe, in order to discuss the importance of Mies’s legacy. Neumeyer conducted a deep research on Mies's writings and intellectual activity that has resulted in the worldwide renowned publication Mies van der Rohe. Das kunstlose Wort. Gedanken zur Baukunst [The Artless Word: Mies Van der Rohe on the Building Art] (Berlin, 1986; Cambridge/London, 1991; Madrid/Paris/Milan, 1996; Seoul 2007 — see p. 93) offering a precursor critical anthology of Mies theoretical corpus.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Mies van der Rohe, International Style, Rehabilitation of modern architecture, Documentation of modern architecture, Archives of architecture.

Issue 56
Year 2017
Pages 86-87

PDF (English)