Joelho – Journal of Architectural Culture
In the new time consciousness of modernity, Jürgen Habermas tells us, historical memory gives place to an ahistorical use of the past, which explains the abstract language of avant-garde aesthetics. Suffice to think of authors such as Picasso and Le Corbusier and in the relationships their work establishes with the past. In their collections particulières, memorabilia ranged from vernacular to primitive and classical artefacts, the operative value of which rested in their aesthetic qualities, independently of their place in the continuum of history. The past was a source of raw material, opening new conceptual and morphological paths in the subversive processes of creation. As structuralists would put it, the past provided them with signs to be implicated in new sign structures, constructing new meanings.
Exhausted the impulse of modernity and the post-modernist collage of historical iconography, how do architects use the past in defining new aesthetic paths? In today’s image-based culture, what operative role does memorabilia play in the processes of architectural creation, be it in morphological or in conceptual terms? How does memorabilia, and memory in general, act as a catalyst for artistic thinking?
In a time when architectural design is increasingly subjected to building regulations, restricting its freedom as a creative act, Joelho – Journal of Architectural Culture is particularly interested in papers addressing the operative role of memory in the creative processes of architectural design.
First stage: potential contributors should submit the full article in English (4,000 to 6,000 words, plus footnotes and captions), an abstract (with no more than 1000 characters, including spaces) and illustrations until 28th February 2021. These will be subject to a blind peer-review process.
Blind peer-reviews will be reported to the authors until 15th April 2021.
Second stage: Articles found suitable for publication must take into account the reviewers’ comments. A revised article must be then submitted until 15th May 2021.
For more information, please visit the Joelho website.