Call for Papers: In Situ – “Heritage values of 20th century architecture: what recognition? Critical review and international forward-looking vision”

The heritage values of 20th century architecture, whether they be cultural, social or technical, remain relatively complex to assess, and thus to share, due to lack of perspective and knowledge. The architectural and urban production of the second half of the 20th century was particularly prolific, sometimes remarkable, even exceptional.

The energy, ecological transition, the changing habits and lifestyles are leading to the gradual transformation of this built heritage reaching to the end of its life cycle.

Today, many countries with a post-industrial economy are confronted with the challenge to bring about changes in these buildings and neighbourhoods in order to meet the increasing social demand, without compromising their original architectural interest and qualities.

Since the 1990-2000’s, a movement for heritage making has developed, which leads to many questions relating to possible and desirable developments of these architectural achievements. It was propelled in particular as a result of the Council of Europe’s 1991 recommendation n° R (91)13 that encouraged Member States to implement strategies for identification, study, protection, restoration and awareness of 20th century architecture. This heritage making finds its expression in the creation of various schemes for recognition -labels, prizes or awards, whether at the international, national, regional or local level.

In France, the Ministry of Culture created the “Patrimoine du XXe siècle”, “Heritage of the 20th century” label (1999) that then became the “Architecture contemporaine remarquable”, the “Remarkable Contemporary Architecture” (“ACR”) label (2016- LCAP Act). The “Stratégie nationale pour l’architecture”, “National Initiative for Architecture” (2015) and the “Stratégie pluriannuelle en faveur du patrimoine”, “Multiannual Strategy for Heritage” (2017), in keeping with the Ministry of Culture’s architectural policy, have fostered an impulse to numerous works in favour of awareness, knowledge, enhancement and qualitative transformation of this 20th century built heritage.

Specific topics that could be considered
– The relations between the schemes for recognition of 20th century architecture/public policies of renovation/operational practices;
– The contribution of scientific knowledge and researchers to the recognition policies of 20th century architecture, on the one hand, and to public debates related to architectural and urban sensitive projects of transformation on the other hand;
– Public and private funding allocated to actions and policies pursued concerning the recognition of the values of 20th century architecture;
– The role of recent technical innovations in the evolution of 20th century architecture (energy adaptation, questions concerning materials and risk…).

Contributions proposals
The articles submitted must contain an original part of research, hypothesis or updates; they should not simply repeat the entire content of an article that has already been published. They should be widely illustrated, including sound and/or audiovisual examples.
If you would like to contribute to this issue, we thank you for sending us by 15 December 2020 a summary of your proposal with a maximum of 1, 500 characters, as well as a short CV by post:
Ministère de la Culture Or by e-mail:
Direction générale des Patrimoines –
Revue In Situ
à l’attention de Laurent Bruel.
6 rue des Pyramides
75001 Paris
Send a copy of your proposal to:
Corinne Tiry-Ono:
Sophie Masse:
Isabelle Bertrand:

The texts of the articles corresponding to the selected proposals are expected for 30 May 2021. The length of the articles should range between 15,000 and 35,000 characters, spaces and notes included. You can either write your article in French or in your working language. They will be published in their original language and in French translation. The recommendations for authors about the number of pages or pictures, the rights on illustrations, the insertion of notes and links, etc. are available on the website of the journal:

More information: PDF