The Preservation of Authenticity and the Awareness of the Necessary

The architecture of the Modern Movement in Oporto, Portugal, built between 1940 and 1960, is a recent heritage, whose scant recognition has been accelerating its natural degradation and increasing interventions of questionable quality. On one hand, the technical and structural weaknesses of the architecture of this period can be the cause of accelerated degradation, which are, in part, a consequence of successive experiments of new materials like concrete. On the other hand, we note the absence of disciplinary criteria in contemporary interventions, which suggests the fragility of the legal and logical framework for the material protection of this architectural legacy. This study analyses multi-family housing buildings built in Oporto with undeniable architectural quality and characteristics of the Modern Movement — the Parnaso, Ouro and D. Afonso V buildings. Apart from a reflection on the strategies for renovation, reuse and effective adaptation of these buildings to contemporary living requirements, this study aims to establish a relation between the spatial, technical and social transformations and the preservation of the originality/authenticity of these buildings.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Living heritage, Modern housing, Housing preservation, Porto modern architecture, José Carlos Loureiro, Mário Bonito, Francisco Pereira da Costa.

Issue 51
Year 2014
Pages 80-84

PDF (English)