Against the backdrop of the Bauhaus centenary in 2019, Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism examined the history, significance, and future of postcolonial modernism in this region, with partners in four cities – Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Singapore, and Yangon. The project provided a historical perspective on the societal and political upheaval that accompanied the transition to independence after the colonial period in these countries. It also showcased current initiatives in the fields of art, architecture, and science that are committed to the preservation and use of Modernist buildings. In 2020, the project will continue with an exhibition and accompanying program in Berlin.
Modern Movement,
Modern architecture,
Tropical architecture,
Modern diaspora,
Design with climate,
Southeast Asia modern architecture.
Issue 63
Year 2020
Pages 85-88
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/63.A.SV57ESUX