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Tenth International Docomomo Conference

The Challenge of Change: Dealing with the Legacy of the Modern Movement, Rotterdam (September 13–20, 2008) (549 p.)


Modern Architecture is Durable: Using Change to Preserve by Maristella Casciato — Introduction by the Organizing Committee

Change and Continuity (1)

Introduction: Issues of Temporality, Paradoxes and Challenges of Modern Heritage by Horacio Torrent — Being and Becoming of Modern Heritage: The Challenge of Planned Conservation by Andrea Canziani — Notes on the Unfinished Modern Monument: Clorindo Testa’s Civic Center in Santa Rosa, La Pampa by Claudia Costa Cabral — Historic Present: The Modern Movement in Situation by Zeuler Lima — Architecture and Temporality in Conservation Theory: The Modern Movement and the Restoration Attitude in Cesare Brandi by Fidel Meraz — Metsäpaviljonski: Forms Follows Wood by Cristian Suau

Change and Continuity (2)

Introduction: Buildings and Ideologies by Dirk Van den Heuvel — The Evolution of Intervention Criteria in Modern Movement Restoration: Essential Problems and Circumstantial Problems, GATCPAC’s Conservation Projects as a Case Study by Martin Capeluto & Maria Turull — Anatole Kopp (1915–1990): The Engaged Architect and the Concept of Modern Architecture by Anat Falbel — The Cubanacan Art Schools Rehabilitated by Universo Garcia Lorenzo — Modern Movement Conservation as Progressive Practice: Byker and British Welfare State Housing by Aidan While & John Pendlebury — Rewriting the Past: The Demolition of Modern Buildings and Monuments in Post-Communist Poland by Krystyna Wieszczek & Fabiano Lemes de Oliveira

Change and Continuity (3)

Introduction: Monuments and Icons by Nancy Stieber — The Trojan Horse: Contemporary ‘Iconic’ Architecture and the Falsification of Modernism by Miles Glendinning — Transformations of a Suburban Estate Designed by Gregory Ain: Preservation of the Mar Vista Tract After 60 Years by Yasuko Kamei — Neglectfulness in the Preservation and Continuity of Late-modern Architecture: The Case of St Peter’s Seminary by Gillespie, Kidd and Coia by Mhairi McVicar & Cristian Suau — The Obsolescence of the Monument: The Future of Airport Icons by Nathalie Roseau — Reconstructing the Philips Pavilion, Brussels 1958: Elements for a Critical Assessment by Sven Sterken

Change and Continuity (4)

Introduction: Myth, Authenticity and Lived Practices by Hilde Heynen — Beyond Oscar Niemeyer: Authorities, Remodelings, Paradoxes and Peculiarities in the Preservation of Modern Buildings in Brazil by Carlos Eduardo Comas, Cecilia Rodrigues dos Santos & Ruth Verde Zein — Myth, History and Conservation in Tel Aviv by Marina Epstein-Pliouchtch & Ron Fuchs — Rietveld at Bergeijk by Madeleine Steigenga — Viva Stirling’s Florey Building by Igea Troiani — Questioning Material/Conceptual Authenticity by France Vanlaethem & Céline Poisson

Cities and Landscape (1)

Introduction: Cities by Paul Meurs — The Urban Validity of Modern Experiences by Carmen Blasco Sanchez, Francisco Martinez Perez & Julia Deltoro Soto — Translating the New Old-world into the New New-world: Reassessing Ernst Plischke’s Plan for Naenae, Lower Hutt, New Zealand by Ian Bowman — Transformation: An Alternative Approach Renewing the Postwar City by Arjan Gooijer, Gert Jan te Velde & Henk van Schagen — Plymouth: City of the Welfare State in the 21st Century by Jeremy Gould — The Pittsburgh Civic Arena: Memory and Renewal by Robert Shaw Pfaffmann

Cities and Landscape (2)

Introduction: The Landscape of Modernity by Louise Noelle — Modern Urban Landscape to Sustainable Urban Landscape: A Challenge for Chandigarh by Parmeet Singh Bhatt — Landscapes of the Recent Past: Identifying Key Problems Regarding the Conservation of Designed Landscapes by Jan Haenraets & Obas John Ebohon — Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds: Everyday Modernism in Australian Suburban Communities by Hannah Lewi — Ecological Crisis and the Modernist Residential Landscape: Pontchartrain Park, New Orleans, Louisiana by Carol McMichael Reese & Jane Wolff — Mountains and Modernity: Bernese Modernist Buildings in its Environment by Bernd Nicolai

Shifts in Program and Flexibility (1)

Introduction: Meandering in Modern Ensembles by Hugo Segawa — The Curves of Time: Pamphulha, 65 Years of Change by Leonardo Barci Castriota — Moroccan Modernism Revamped: Flexing Between Infrastructural Opportunism and Heritage Commodification by Aziza Chaouni — Conservation Development Strategy for the University of East Anglia by William Fawcett, Katie Thornburrow & Joseph Saunders — Modernist Housing for Contemporary Families: The Arrival of the Athens Charter in Lisbon by Nelson Mota — Facing the Future: Five Residential Buildings in Santiago and the Challenge of Flexibility by Andrés Téllez

Shifts in Program and Flexibility (2)

Introduction: F(r)ictions of Flexibility by Marieke Kuipers — Conservation as Project: Dealing Today with Latin American Modern Heritage, a Realistic Approach by Maximiano Atria — Adaptive Rehabilitation of the Riachuelo Building in the Historical Centre of Sao Paulo by Paulo Bruna & Sonia Gouveia — Large Scale Projects of the Modern Movement: Changing or Developing Architectural Genius? by Alex Dill — Restoring the 20th Century by Richard Klein — Bolgatanga Library: Adaptive Modernism in Ghana 40 Years on by Ola Uduku

Education in Transformation

Introduction: Education in Transformation by Changmo Ahn — Lessons on Architecture for the Future of the Past by Beatriz Santos de Oliveira — Preventative Conservation of Modern Architectural Heritage Study Program by Maria-Elena Ghersi Rassi & Alvaro Gonzalez Bastidas — How Should We Teach the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Architecture? by Franz Graf — Experiencing the Modern in Lisbon by Jorge Spencer, João Paulo Martins, José Neves & Pedro Belo Ravara — Modern Education and the Education in Transformation of the Modern: The Experience of the Masters Degree in ‘Rehabilitation of the Built Environment’ by Gonçalo Canto Moniz & José Antonio Bandeirinha

Technology, Progress and Sustainability (1)

Introduction: Building Skins, Conservation and Adaptive Re-use by Wessel de Jonge — The Feet of the Duck or Dynamic Insulation: Tackling Single Glass Façades of Modern Movement Buildings by Tom Haartsen & Eric van den Ham — Comfort Conditions in Early Post-colonial Architecture in Ghana by Victor Kootin-Sanwu — Simulation of Natural Ventilation Flows: Possibilities for the Restoration of the Viipuri Library Ventilation System by Ulrike Passe, Preston Stoakes & Francine Battaglia — Modern Glass Walls on the Way to Sustainability: Comparing Examples from Germany and Brazil by Uta Pottgiesser — Sustainabilty: A Modern Movement by Nina Rappaport

Technology, Progress and Sustainability (2)

Introduction: Materials, Conservation Strategies and Methodologies by Kyle Normandin — The Pirelli Skyscraper in Milan, Italy: Modern and Contemporary Technologies by Paola Ascione — Dalle de Verre: Modern Stained Glass by Flora Chou — Securing Ornamental Design in Modern Havana Heritage: Architectural High Rise Building by Regino Gayoso Blanco — The Original Intention: Intention of the Original? Remarks on the Importance of Materiality Regarding the Preservation of the Tugendhat House and Other Buildings of Modernism by Ivo Hammer — Concrete Repairs and Coatings for Frank Lloyd Wright’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum by Amanda Thomas Trienens, Glenn Boornazian & Norman Weiss

Change and Continuity (Short Papers)

Historical Research, Architectural Design and the Conservation of Modern Paulista School Buildings: The Case of the Gymnasium of Itahaém by André Augusto de Almeida Alves — Preserving the Body in Greek Modern Architecture: The Sanatorium ‘Sotiria’ in Athens by Katerina Chatzikonstantinou — Change and Permanence in Greek Modernity: The Case of Takis Zenetos by Elias Constantopoulos — Paradoxes in the Rebuilding of Casto Fernandez-Shaw’s Porto Pi Petroleum Station by Luis Maldonado Ramos, David Rivera Gamez & Fernando Vela Cossio — Chandigarh: Managing the Challenge of Change in an Icon of the Modern Movement by Sangeeta Bagga Mehta & Rajiv Mehta — A Roof Over One’s Head: Luxury for Everybody, Vienna’s Social House Project, 1923–2008 by Inge Podbrecky — Paradoxes and Contradictions in Conserving Modernisms from the 1960s, Case Study: Pihlajamäki Housing Area, Protective Plan, Regeneration and Repair Guidelines by Riitta Salastie — Making a Home of Modernism: Architectural Alterations in the Dessau-Törten Siedlung, 1928–2007 by Andreas Schwarting — Tropical Modernism: The Legacy of the Modern Movement in Sri Lanka, with Respect to Three Practitioners by Rajiv Wanasundera

Restructuring Cities and Landscape (Short Papers): Inseparable Links: Architecture, Nature, Landscape, The Tourist Village ‘Le Rocce,’ Restoration Plan by Cecilia Alemagna — Re-creating Urban Form With Industry: Turkish Modernization and Kayseri Experience by Burak Asiliskender — The Portales Neighborhood Unit: Change and Continuity of a Housing Project in Santiago de Chile by Umberto Bonomo Tria — Luigi Cosenza and the Unity of Architecture and City Planning in Modern Napels by Francesca Bruni — The Modern ‘D-List’ vs. the Bottom Line: Contemporary Urban Redevelopment, Economic Incentive and the Fate of Regional Modernism in Atlanta, Georgia by Jon Buono — Modern Architecture Goes on Holiday: The Lidi di Mortelle in Sicily, a Small ‘Linear City’ by the Sea by Isabella Fera — Modernist Social Housing in Colombia: An Endangered Species by Maarten Goossens — The Modern Agriculture Village on the Hachirogata Polder in Japan: The Design Process During the Economic Development Period by Yasunori Kitao — Modern Housing in Brazil and the Conservation and Rehabilitation Questions by Salua Kairuz Manoel & Nabil Bonduki — La Habana del Este: A View to the Future by Maria Elena Martin Zequeira — Building Restoration in Bacu Abis by Giuseppina Monni

Shifts in Program and Flexibility (Short Papers)

From Glorious Past to Sustainable Future: Cincinnati Union Terminal by George Skarmeas — From Defence of the Image to Protection of Spaces: The Case Study of Politecnico di Milano’s Heritage by Chiara Livraghi — Bauhaus Buildings Dessau: From Experiment to World Heritage by Monika Markgraf — Industrial and Flexible: The Legacy of the Modern Movement and the Strategies of Re-use in Italy by Renato Morganti, Alessandra Tosone & Chiara Palumbo — The Music of Change by Peter Andreas Sattrup, Jens Ammundsen & Flemming Agger — The Search for Habitat: Georges Candilis & Shadrach Woods in Casablanca by Brad Walters — Santorio: The Case of the Sanatorium Program in Italy by Giulia Zolia

Education in Transformation (Short Papers)

‘t Hool Eindhoven: The Key to an Urban Entity is the Detail by John Swagten — Education and Redesign: A Future for Modern Housing in Buenos Aires by Carolina Quiroga — Student Project: Boshuisje ‘De Uil’ by Wibe Bulten — Design Advocacy Through Service-learning: Saving Riverview High School, Sarasota, Florida by Morris Hylton III — Reworking the Modern Movement: A European Workshop on the Meat Market of Copenhagen by Wolfgang Jung, Mart Kalm & Ola Wedebrunn

Technology, Progress and Sustainability (Short Papers)

Renovation Project of Industrial Heritage, Case Study: Kayseri Sümerbank Bez Fabrikasl by Hikmet Eldek & Burak Asiliskender — The Change of Facing: Meanings and Implications: The Case of the Former Directorial Center of the National Telephone Company in Turin by Caterina Franchini — The Need for a Shift in Attitude: From Isolated Event to Process-oriented Maintenance of Multi-apartment Buildings From the Late 1950s Through 1970s in Götenborg by Pär Meiling & Jan Rosvall — Hotel Britannia: A Monument From the Reconstruction Period by Evert de Longh & Willem Heijbroek — Building in Health: Vitaglass and Modern Bodies by John Stanislav Sadar


Additional information

Weight 1.450 kg
Dimensions 17.5 × 3 × 24 cm