Docomomo Preservation Technology Dossier 4
Wood and Modern Movement (August 2000) (125 p.)
Lectures: Beyond the Balloon Frame: Engineered Wood Comes of Age in USA by Thomas Jester — Understanding and Interpreting the Spirit is a Necessity for Restoration: Timeless Patterns in Alvar Aalto’s Use of Wood by Tore Tallqvist — Modern Times for Norwegian Wood by Eirik Bøe — The Venice Pavilion of Alvar Aalto: Problems in the Conservation of Modern Architecture by Panu Kaila — Konrad Wachsmann’s Use of Log Building Traditions in Modern Architecture: Wood Housing of the Christoph & Unmack Firm by Jos Tomlow — Prototype of the Undulating Wooden Ceiling in Viipuri Library: A Case Study by Marianna Heikinheimo — Wood and Acoustics in the Scandinavian Concert Hall of the Modern Movement by Bo Mortensen — Architectural Principles in Wooden Functionalism in Finland by Jarmo Saari
Articles: Wide-spanned Wood Structures in the Modern Movement in Germany and Austria by Berthold Burkhardt — West Coast Regionalism: An Overview of the Development of Wood Modernism in British Columbia by Donald Luxton — Paradox of Modernity: Why K. Knutsen’s Cottage in Portor is Out of Tradition by Gennaro Postiglione — From Corner-timbered Log Wall to Light-frame Structures: Finnish Wood Structures in the Early 1900s by Timo Jeskanen — Netlike Wooden Structures: Research Project 98–99 by Eero Paloheimo & Project Team — Life Cycle Assessment: Essential Instrument for Decision on Environmental Issues by Matti Kairi — Expressions and Trends for Wood Windows in Europe by Jussi Virtanen — Thermotimber: A New Material for Restoration by Pertti Nieminen