Docomomo Journal 39 (September 2008)
Postwar Mass Housing (98 p.)
(guest editor: Miles Glendinning)
Ennobling the Ordinary: Postwar Mass Housing and the Challenge of Change by Miles Glendinning
1. International Survey:
Les Courtillières: Ordinary Housing Project – Extraordinary History? by the Research Group for History of Contemporary Housing
Prefab Russia by Florian Urban
The Suburban Tower and Toronto’s Legacy of Modern Housing by Graeme Stewart
Brasilia’s Superquadras by Richard Williams
Finding Housing: Singapore, International Exemplar of “Positive Public Housing” by Belinda Yuen
2. Inventorization and Recording:
The Cumbernauld: New Town Research and Inventory Project, 2006–9 by Diane M. Watters & Jessica Taylor
Exploring the Soviet “Golden Home” Project: The “Reworking Modern Architecture” Workshop in Pärnu by Mart Kalm
Doing Building Work: The Un-making of Red Road by Jane M. Jacobs, Stephen Cairn & Ignaz Strebel
1. Preservation Strategy:
The Van Eesteren Museum: A Protected Fragment of Amsterdam’s Geuzenveld-Slotermeer Postwar District by Vincent van Rossem
Making Better Places Through Heritage Designation? The Byker Estate, Newcastle upon Tyne by Rose Gilroy, John Pendlebury & Tim Townshend
2. Intervention Strategy:
Grass and Concrete: Regenerating Amsterdam’s Westlijke Tuinsteden by Wouter Veldhuis
The Rhythm of Renewal by Arjan Hebly
Three Projects for the Renewal of the Modern City by Endry van Velzen
Technical Issues:
Le Corbusier’s La Roche–Jeanneret Houses: Issues of Restoration by Tiziano Aglieri Rinella
Guillermo Jullian de la Fuente (1931–2008) by Maximiano Atria — Paul Overy
Book Reviews:
Elain Harwood & Alan Powers: Housing the Twentieth Century Nation by Diane M. Watters
Paola Di Biagi: The Public City: Social Housing and Urban Redevelopment in Turin by Alice Sotgia
Theodore H. M. Prudon: Preservation of Modern Architecture by Claude Armstrong
Monika Markgraf: Archaeology of Modernism: Renovation Bauhaus Dessau by Hartwig Schmidt
Lucie Cometta-Colas: Le SITI: Atelier de Montrouge by Jean-Paul Midant