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1º Congresso Docomomo Portugal – Ensino, Reuso e Transformação da Arquitetura e da Cidade Modernas

October 20 - October 21

The 1st Docomomo Portugal Congress will take place in Coimbra, on 20-21 October 2025, entitled “Ensino, Reuso e Transformação da Arquitetura e Cidade Modernas” [“Teaching, Reuse and Transformation of Modern Architecture and the City”], being jointly organized by Docomomo Portugal and the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra.

The main objective of the congress is to promote a space for debate and sharing of ongoing research on Portuguese modern heritage, with a focus on its transformation and rehabilitation. It will be an opportunity to disseminate knowledge and promote interdisciplinary dialogues between architects, historians, designers, researchers and the general public. The key moments of the congress will include keynote lectures by national and international architects, presenting interventions considered to be references in the context of the rehabilitation of modern architecture, and an open call for papers, inviting proposals aligned with the theme of the congress, to be presented in thematic sessions.

The conference seeks to highlight intervention strategies for modern architectural heritage, urban ensembles and landscapes in Portugal. We invite academics, researchers and others interested in this topic to submit papers that explore and deepen interventions carried out or research aimed at preserving these modern ensembles, contributing to their documentation, valorisation and protection.

December 16, 2024 – March 15, 2025: Call for abstracts
April 10, 2025: Communication of results
June 15, 2025: Final paper for submission

Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente, Coimbra, Portugal



October 20
October 21


Docomomo Portugal


Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente
Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente, Praça República
Coimbra, 3000-343 Portugal
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