December 2018
IST PhD Program in Architecture: PhD Week Autumn 2018
On 17th December 2018 the IST PhD Week Autumn 2018 will take place at Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon, Portugal, with the opening communication of Prof. Ruth Verde Zein (Mackenzie, São Paulo), "Breuer Back & Forth: some chosen scenarios". Program: 10h00-11h00 Prof. Ruth Verde Zein Breuer Back & Forth: some chosen scenarios 11h00 – 13h00 PhD Students Presentations 15h00 – 16h00 Prof. Ruth Verde Zein Artigas 4x1961 Ruth Verde Zein Architect, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, FAU-USP, University de São Paulo, Brazil, 1977. Doctorate (2005) in Theory, History and Critique, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, PROPAR-UFRGS…
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