Docomomo International is pleased to announce that the Docomomo Turkey – Interior website has just been launched in Turkish and English. To visit the new website, please go to: link. “In order to comprehend the Modern Movement and to develop a holistic and more inclusive perspective on the spatial, ideological and aesthetic aspects of modern living culture, there is a great need for work on interior spaces. Based on this need; the ‘Modern Interior Committee’ was established in 2019 under the DOCOMOMO_Turkey working group in order to expand the work done on discussing, documenting and preserving the modern heritage by…
Docomomo International would like to share the meetings program from Docomomo Turkey for the next months. The first meetings will be held between 18 March and 1 May 2021, and will question situations regarding various problems of the modern architectural heritage. The calendar and speakers of the meetings to be held in this context are as follows: 18 March 2021 – Thursday 18:00 – 20:00 Education & theory committee: controversial reconstruction of the modern heritage Moderators: Deniz Güner, Ebru Omay Polat Speakers: can binan, good luck tanyeli Registration link: Meeting ID: 996 7711 7071 Pass: 837330 Click to reach…
Dear Docomomo Chapters, Due to the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19, we are extending the deadline of June 1st to August 15th, 2020. A plan for new documentation homework has been approved in the last Council Meeting, August 30th, 2018 (Ljubljana, Slovenia), proposed by the ISC/Registers. With the aim of moving forward to the documentation of conservation good practices, Docomomo Working Parties (WP) have to submit: Working Parties that already have submitted 30 Documentation Fiches and uploaded 50 sites to MOMOVE: (a) 1 fiche for 2019 and 1 fiche for 2020, on an example of Good Conservation Practice. Download the template here: link, and here: link. (b) A bibliography with 5-10 publications (books or articles) on Modern Movement…
DOCOMOMO Turkey will be hosting its 10th national conference at the Faculty of Architecture and Desing in Ataturk University in Erzurum on 31 October – 1 November 2014 under the title “DOCOMOMO_ Turkey National Working Party, Poster Presentations, Erzurum: The Local Manifestations of Modernism in Architecture in Turkey X”. More details: website