Docomomo Hong Kong is inviting you to participate in the Public Discussion Series 2020. About the lecture: A four-part public discussion series that engages with a range of topics centering the transnational circulation of the Modern Movement in Hong Kong and beyond. Main Page Link: About the Organizer: Docomomo Hong Kong is the local chapter of the Docomomo International (International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighborhoods of the Modern Movement). Established in 1988, the global organization aims to enhance public knowledge and promote the protection of notable examples of modern architecture and built landscapes around…
Dear Docomomo Chapters, Due to the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19, we are extending the deadline of June 1st to August 15th, 2020. A plan for new documentation homework has been approved in the last Council Meeting, August 30th, 2018 (Ljubljana, Slovenia), proposed by the ISC/Registers. With the aim of moving forward to the documentation of conservation good practices, Docomomo Working Parties (WP) have to submit: Working Parties that already have submitted 30 Documentation Fiches and uploaded 50 sites to MOMOVE: (a) 1 fiche for 2019 and 1 fiche for 2020, on an example of Good Conservation Practice. Download the template here: link, and here: link. (b) A bibliography with 5-10 publications (books or articles) on Modern Movement…
15 Controversial Modernist Buildings in Hong Kong Why are certain buildings being deemed ugly and worthless by some people but treasured by others? What are the bases for forming these different opinions? How do judgements made by professionals and the general public affect the perceived value of our built landscapes and their fate in ongoing urban development? This public engagement project, co-organized by Docomomo Hong Kong and HKICON, with funding support from the Built Heritage Conservation Fund, Development Bureau, HKSAR Government. explored these questions by examining 15 controversial modernist buildings in Hong Kong. Some key questions to consider include: What…