Save La Butte Rouge Garden City!
Châtenay-Malabry, France, 1931-1965

Docomomo International would like to withdraw your attention to the alarming situation that the Butte Rouge Garden City, in Châtenay-Malabry, is still facing. This Garden City is threatened by the intention of the mayor of the city to accept the demolition of 15 buildings, despite all the efforts undertaken. In order to continue to raise awareness, the Pritzker Prize and Grand Prix national de l’architecture (the highest French prize for architecture) award-winners wrote a letter to Roselyne Bachelot, the French Minister of Culture. “The Garden-city of la Butte Rouge has been recognized as one of the most exceptional social housing…

Journée d’études Docomomo France: “L’architecture du XXe siècle : reconnaître, restaurer, transmettre”
Date and time: 15th April 2021, 10.00 am to 18.00 pm

Docomomo International is pleased to share the next Docomomo France Journée d’études “The architecture of the twentieth century: recognize, restore, transmit” which will be held on April 15, 2021, from 10 am to 6 pm, at the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine in Paris. Due to the current pandemic, the journée will be broadcasted live on Docomomo’s France Youtube channel and Facebook page, as well as on the the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine’s ones. You can sign up for the event in order to have a reminder the day before the event by clicking here. This second…

High-rise buildings in France. A modern heritage 1945-1975
By Richard Klein, Hermann Publishing, 2020

Docomomo International is pleased to announce that a release of the docomomo France bulletin dedicated to high-rise buildings in France, Les immeubles de grande hauteur en France. Un héritage moderne 1945-1975, will be available from 27th January 2021 also in English. Also, there is an editor’s discount of 40% and free shipping (17 Euros instead of 28 Euros) for docomomo international members! Publication director: Richard Klein Editor in chief: Riccardo Forte Editorial secretary: Milena Crespo Editorial coordination: Léo Noyer-Duplaix and Marjorie Occelli The authors: Caroline Bauer, Silvia Berselli, Catherine Blain, Gauthier Bolle, Bénédicte Chaljub, Audrey Courtebaisse, Milena Crespo, Amandine Diener, Philippe…

Les immeubles de grande hauteur en France. Un héritage moderne 1945-1975
By Richard Klein, Hermann Publishing, 2020

Docomomo International is pleased to announce the release of the docomomo France bulletin dedicated to high-rise buildings in France. Publication director: Richard Klein Editor in chief: Riccardo Forte Editorial secretary: Milena Crespo Editorial coordination: Léo Noyer-Duplaix and Marjorie Occelli The authors: Caroline Bauer, Silvia Berselli, Catherine Blain, Gauthier Bolle, Bénédicte Chaljub, Audrey Courtebaisse, Milena Crespo, Amandine Diener, Philippe Dufieux, Laurent Duport, Riccardo Forte, julie Gimbal, Richard Klein, Léo Noyer-Duplaix, Hugo Massire, Noëmie Maurin-Gaisne,  Gauthier Vanovershelde,  Benjamin Walther. “The reader, contemporary spectator of the resurgence of the urban tower, will certainly find a critical subject of choice in the case studies…

Call for Proposals: “Contemporary Built Heritage – Conservation & Rehabilitation in the Mediterranean”, Montpellier 23-24 June 2020
Deadline: 29th February

UMAR (Union of Mediterranean Architects) invites researchers and practitioners involved in the process of preservation, conservation, renovation or transformation of contemporary architecture buildings, sites and neighbourhoods in the countries around the Mediterranean to present their works at the International Conference Contemporary Architectural Rehabilitation on the Mediterranean that will take place in Montpellier, France, on the 23rd and 24th of June 2020. Please submit abstracts and projects no later than February 29th, 2020 (24 pm GMT) UMAR is now accepting proposals for : Conference papers resulting from research promoting tailored rehabilitation of Contemporary Heritage buildings, sites and neighbourhoods Rehabilitation projects preserving…

Guidelines for submitting the 2019/2020 Homework
Chapters News

Dear Docomomo Chapters, Due to the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19, we are extending the deadline of June 1st to August 15th, 2020. A plan for new documentation homework has been approved in the last Council Meeting, August 30th, 2018 (Ljubljana, Slovenia), proposed by the ISC/Registers. With the aim of moving forward to the documentation of conservation good practices, Docomomo Working Parties (WP) have to submit: Working Parties that already have submitted 30 Documentation Fiches and uploaded 50 sites to MOMOVE: (a) 1 fiche for 2019 and 1 fiche for 2020, on an example of Good Conservation Practice. Download the template here: link, and here: link. (b) A bibliography with 5-10 publications (books or articles) on Modern Movement…