© SUBLime
Recruiting 15 international PhD students in Marie Curie ITN SUBLime

Docomomo International informs that the SUBLime network is currently looking for dedicated and highly motivated Early Stage Researchers (ESR), who will join our team to craft the future of lime mortars/plasters in new construction and conservation of the built heritage.

They are recruiting 15 international PhD students to be trained as European experts in Sustainable Building Lime applications via Circular Economy and Biomimetic Approaches (SUBLime). SUBLime is an European Training Network (ETN) program that will start in February 2021, as a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie action (Innovative Training Network – ITN) involving 9 countries in Europe.

This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your international career prospects:

Original research projects within a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network  (Horizon 2020 grant 955986)

  • Consortium of 17 European partners (6 highly specialized universities and 11 worldwide leading Industrial Partners)
  • Collaboration with network partners including visits during secondments
  • Participate in worldwide training workshops
  • Very attractive PhD student salary
  • Enrolment in host institutions’ PhD programs

Apply before September 14, 2020! 

Contact: Project Manager of SUBLime : Dr. João Pereira: jpereira@civil.uminho.pt

Beneficiaries Leaders: Prof. Paulo B. Lourenço (University of Minho, Portugal, Coordinator); Prof. Carlos Rodriguez-Navarro (University of Granada, Spain); Prof. Guang Ye (TU Delft, Netherlands); Prof. Nele De Belie (Ghent University, Belgium); Prof. Jan Kubica (Silesian University of Technology, Poland); Prof. Eddie Koenders (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany).

For more details, please go to SUBLime website.