Open House Lisboa
Docomomo Portugal is happy to announce that next Saturday, 11 May, its president Ana Tostões and secretary general Zara Ferreira will do a guided tour through one of Lisbon’s modern neighbourhoods – Telheiras Sul, as part of Lisbon Open House
Conceived by Pedro Vieira de Almeida and Augusto Pita and promoted by EPUL, the Detailed Plan of Telheiras (1973-74), aimed to address the housing shortage of urban middle classes. With an area of 63.5 hectares, it planned 3,300 housing units for 14,400 residents. The conceptual universe of Telheiras Sul, although founded on a modern matrix, proceeds with its critical reinterpretation: it retrieves the idea of the street as a canal space of the urban fabric, the residential buildings are organized into residential block cells, and it anchors its development in the recovery of the Telheiras-Velho nucleus as the embryo of an already existing life. Inspired by the concept of a garden city, the neighborhood has a permeable network of interconnected pedestrian paths through green spaces, facilitating mobility. Telheiras is a neighborhood where housing, commerce, and collective use facilities combine to promote a harmonious relationship between construction and public space, with a focus on human needs, which has been enhanced by its Community Center and Residents’ Association.
Starting point: R. Professor Francisco Gentil, 8
Time: 17h00
Duration: 45 Minutes
More about the tour and Lisbon Open House on: