“La Carpa” by David Bestué and Roser Corella – Loop Barcelona

Joining the Loop Festival, the platform for artist’s films and videos dedicated to the study and promotion of the moving image, Fundació Mies van der Rohe will feature the documentary film “La Carpa” by filmmaker Roser Corella and artist and writer David Bestué.

It will be at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion from 9th to 21st November 2021. The opening vernissage will take place on 13th  November at 17:30H counting with the presence of the artists

“The documentary ”La Carpa” aims to investigate the process of construction, use and disappearance of a removable theatre installed at the end of the sixties in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, the work of the Murcian architect Emilio Pérez Piñero. This research is based on the account of direct testimonies: neighbours, city council workers and relatives of the architect. Being temporary and ephemeral, many of Emilio Pérez Piñero’s works only survive in memory, like a ghost, but the case of ”La Carpa” is special because its current whereabouts are unknown.”

More information on the Fundacio Mies van der Rohe webpage.
Book your invitation here.