International Colloquium: Coimbra 30-2030

Docomomo International is pleased to announce that the University of Coimbra – Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES-UC), Centre of 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra  (CEIS20-UC), and Departament of Architecture of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (DARQ-FCTUC) – is organizing on 16th and 17th November the International Colloquium “Coimbra 30-2030″, taking place in the Auditorium of the Rectory of the University of Coimbra, from 9H00 to 19H30.

Organised by José António Bandeirinha, Luís Miguel Correia and Carolina Coelho,” the aim of this colloquium is to sketch the city of Coimbra in the light of certain permanences that, for now, still identify distinct ‘reforms’ produced throughout its existence. We will observe such transformations, framing them in time and space, focusing on the architecture of the city and on some of its protagonists, the architects. Thus, two days will bring together authors of recognised national and international merit who will offer us a renewed perspective of the city’s evolution. We will position it in the regional, national, European and global contexts. From the Roman presence to contemporaneity (30-2030), we will witness how in the city of Coimbra architects have manifested, through their projects and works, the dreams of the time, legacies of the becoming.

The city is by nature the place of Man. The place where we have long since put down our roots, sheltered and established our social, economic and cultural relations. The life and image of the city are always the result of the local and global circumstances of each moment. Man expresses himself in space by choosing what precedes him and, naturally, by building on future aspirations. The city is, therefore, the superior revelation of our existence in time. It is in the organisation of space and architecture that we find an important part of our history. The arrival of the digital age has given the physical transformation a universal dimension. It opened up the possibility of occupying ‘other people’s cities’ at any time. Today, few territories have ‘safe’ borders and boundaries. The United Nations Agenda 2030 suggests a path based on seventeen Sustainable Development Goals.”

Both, Docomomo International’s president Ana Tostões and future president (2022-) Uta Pottgiesser will take part at the colloquium.

The full program can be seen here: PROGRAM.
For more information, please visit CES’ website.