© Docomomo Brazil | Núcleo São Paulo
7th Docomomo São Paulo Seminar

The Docomomo São Paulo Nucleus and the stricto sensu Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the São Judas Tadeu University invite you to participate in the 7th Docomomo São Paulo Seminar.

This event will continue the activities of seminars developed by the Docomomo São Paulo Nucleus, resumed in 2017, when the 5th Docomomo São Paulo Seminar was held in the capital, organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Mackenzie Presbyterian University (FAU- UPM). That seminar was followed, in 2018, by the 6th Docomomo São Paulo Seminar, promoted jointly with the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism (IAU-USP), on the Campus of the University of São Paulo, in São Carlos. Scheduled for 2020, the new seminar naturally fits into the national calendar of DOCOMOMO seminars, which provides for the national event to be held in odd years and regional events to be held in even years. However, considering the situation of pandemic and social distance that affects us, the organizers chose, this time, the “distance” format, so the event will take place on the Internet. It will therefore be the first Docomomo online seminar in Brazil.

Even so, as in other docomomo events, the 7th Docomomo São Paulo Seminar provides for lectures, debates and presentation of communications on matters of relevance for the safeguarding of the cultural heritage of the modern movement in Brazil. Unlike the previous ones, in its digital version, the famous MomoTour cannot take place, which this time will be replaced by cultural workshops aimed at participants, especially students of undergraduate courses in Architecture and Urbanism. It is expected the participation of specialists, Brazilian and international, who will succeed at different times and in different activities, during a week of work dedicated to safeguarding the important modern heritage of São Paulo and Brazil.

The lectures, debate tables, presentation of communications, and cultural workshops will be broadcast live, in different digital formats, between November 9th and 14th, 2020.

For more information, please go to the Núcleo Docomomo São Paulo website.