High Density

Editors: Ana Tostões, Zara Ferreira

Guest editors: Eui-Sung Yi

Keywords: Modern Movement, Modern architecture, High density architecture, Urban growth, Modern urban planning.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/50.I.P5Q8H829

The debates that followed the World Design Conference (WoDeCo, Tokyo, 1960) on the search for a “total Image for the 20th Century” pointed out among worldwide designers, architects and planners, viewpoints and intellectual ideas concerning the future of the city, particularly in the wake of technological and scientific advancement in industry. At the time of the WoDeCo, progressive architects formed the “Metabolism” group and proposed their concepts for dealing with the increasing complexity of the cities rising. Debating over the ideal city and promoting a kind of experimental architecture based on ideas of life styles and communities for a new era, its biological name suggests that buildings and cities should be designed in the same organic way that the material substance of a natural organism propagates adapting to its environment by changing its forms in rapid succession.
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High Density and the Investigations in Collective Form
Ana Tostões


Old Ditch — New Water
Mikko Heikkinen


Eui-Sung Yi

Converging Fragments. Seoul: A Portrait of a 21st Century City
Peter Ferreto

Post-Global? Fantasy and Crisis during the First Decade of the Global Era
Young Min Koo

The Correlativity of Building Form and Urban Space: Swoo-Geun Kim’s Daehangno Projects in Seoul
Inha Jung

Capital Production and Social Equity: Finding Balance in Chinese Cities
Andrew Liang

São Paulo: Urban Planning Efforts and Metropolitan Growth
Renato Anelli

The “Densification” of Modern Public Housing: Hong Kong and Singapore
Miles Glendinning

Flexibility in the Density. Metabolism: Freedom in a Large Complex
Souhei Imamura

PREVI: The Metabolist’s first and only built Project
Eui-Sung Yi

Rereading Our Recent Past: Notes on Chandigarh and New Gourna
Vinayak Bharne

Heritage in danger

Shukhov Tower, Moscow, 1922, by Vladimir Shukhov
Natalia Melikova


Hiroyuki Suzuki (1945-2014)
Hiroshi Matsukuma, Yoshiaki Hanada


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