Dingleton Boiler House by Peter Womersley

“An Edinburgh based architect, Gordon Duffy has launched a website to save a Listed boiler house by Peter Womersely in the Scottish Borders. The boiler house, completed in 1977 has been lying empty and Duffy has won Listed Building consent and Planning consent for the adaptive reuse of the building, transforming it into five residential units. Not unlike the Bofill cement factory near Barcelona, the project uses the embodied energy in the structure to increase lifetime of the building. Stimulated by a love of the beautifully composed concrete structure, Duffy has used the rhythm of the structural bays as a guide to carve out the new spaces, with minimal disruption to the existing. The boiler house when completed was commended in the Financial Times award for Industrial Architecutre, with the assessors praising its “refined and simple treatment… its fine use of shuttered concrete…expresses as fully as possible the different working parts”. Today, the project will work as long as it can find people to buy into owning one or more of the five units featured here onwww.theboilerhouseproject.com

Image: Studio DUB

More details: website.