Highlights from the 18th International Docomomo Conference

Last December 10-14, took place the 18th International Docomomo Conference in Santiago, Chile, under the theme “Modern Futures – Sustainable development and cultural diversity”, organized by Docomomo International and Docomomo Chile. Highlight for Docomomo Portugal was its official approval as Docomomo working party at the Council Meeting on 12 December. Portugal took part at the conference with several presentations by its members as well as chairing of sessions, namely: Session: – “Capturing time inside architecture” – Ana Tostões (Docomomo Portugal chair) and Marta Peixoto (Docomomo Brazil) – “Adaptive modern housing:shifting notions of comfort and the transformation of domestic space for…

Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists

Ana Tostões, Zara Ferreira (eds.) Lisboa, Docomomo Portugal / Docomomo ISC/ID, 2024   Docomomo Portugal is proud to announce that its first publication Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists is out! Edited by Ana Tostões and Zara Ferreira Modernist Women Interior Designers and Artists is the result of the joint Docomomo Portugal and the Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Interior Design (ISC/ID) conference with the same name held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on March 7th and 8th, 2024, in celebration of International Women’s Day. The Modern Movement, often celebrated for its commitment to a better life for all, has historically…

Exhibition: Paisagens Construídas

Fundação Marques da Silva, Porto, 11 January – 29 March 2025 Docomomo Portugal is pleased to share that at Fundação Marques da Silva, FIMS, will be patent the exhibition “Paisagens Construídas” [Built Landscapes] from 11 January to 29 March 2025. The exhibition “Paisagens Construídas” opens on Saturday, 11 January, at 16H00, showcasing sixteen works of Portuguese architecture, published in the book with the same name by Valdemar Cruz and photographed by Inês d’Orey. The works, selected from the choices of over fifty figures from the fields of architecture, visual arts, engineering, and photography, illustrate the various paths, with broad recognition…

Landscape Architecture and Infrastructure of the Twentieth Century – Selections from the Docomomo Chapters

Jan Haenraets, Andrew Saniga, Gulnur Cengiz (eds.) Docomomo International, 2024   Started in 2019, the project of this book was carried out by the Docomomo International Specialist Committee on Urbanism and Landscape, in collaboration with Docomomo International (under the presidency of Ana Tostões) and all working parties. It was published finally in 2024 in an online format as part of the Docomomo International Book Series #1 (series eds.: Uta Pottgiesser, Wido Quist) This book presents a wide range of landscapes that have been integral to the Modern Movement era. It aims to raise awareness of their design significance and to…

Conference and exhibition: Arquitectas da nossa Casa

Coimbra, 26th October 2024 Within the aim of the celebration of National Day of the Architect, which was celebrated on 3rd July, the Centro Regional Section of the Portuguese Order of Architects will hold the conference “Arquitectas da nossa casa” on 26 October 2024 to highlight the portuguese women architects. The aim of this event is to give visibility to the current practice of women architects, providing a space for reflection and debate, as well as recognition and celebration of their diverse career paths. The conference will be composed of several roundtables, and at the end have the opening of…

International Conference: The Architecture of Need: Collective-Use Facilities and Community Service in the Twentieth Century

Lisbon and Évora, 29-31 October 2024 The International Conference “The Architecture of Need: Collective-Use Facilities and Community Service in the Twentieth Century” will take place in Lisbon at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on 29-30 October with a filetrip visit day on 31 October 2024 to Évora. It is organised in the context of the initiative “Arquitectura Aqui – Community, Proximity, Action: Collective-use Facilities in Portugal and Spain 1939-1985”, an output of the research projects ArchNeed – The Architecture of Need: Community Facilities in Portugal 1945-1985 (funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), based at CIDEHUS Interdisciplinary Centre for History,…

CICA 2024 International Conference: “Architecture Between Autonomy and Engagement”

On 12- 13 and 19-20 October 2024, the International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA) will hold its International Conference under the theme “Architecture Between Autonomy and Engagement”, online via Zoom. The event will feature a series of lectures and debates exploring the various dimensions of contemporary architecture, bringing together prominent names from the global architectural scene. Keynote speakers include renowned architects and scholars such as Denise Scott Brown (Philadelphia), Nzinga Mboup (Dakar), Álvaro Siza (Porto), and Rossana Hu & Lyndon Neri (Shanghai). The keynote lecture by Álvaro Siza will count with an introduction by Docomomo Portugal’s chair Ana Tostões. Each…

Exhibition: O que faz falta. 50 years of Portuguese architecture in democracy

Casa da Arquitectura: 26th October 2024 – 7th September 2025 Casa da Arquitectura is joining in the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of 25 April 1974 Revolution with the exhibition “O que faz falta. 50 years of Portuguese architecture in democracy”, curated by architects Jorge Figueira (curator) and Ana Neiva (assistant curator), that will open to the public on 26th October. Throughout the weekend, with free access, a varied program is offered, including music, conferences and visits. The formal opening of the exhibition will take place on 26th October at 3pm in the Álvaro Siza Space. The Executive Director will…

CAM-Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian reopened

Docomomo Portugal is happy to share that CAM-Centro de Arte Moderna Gulbenkian reopened last 21st September 2024 after an extensive intervention and expansion by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma. This work is the architect’s first completed project in Portugal. Conceived by British architect Sir Leslie Martin, the original building opened in 1983 to house one of the world’s most significant collections of modern and contemporary Portuguese art, being part of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Headquarters complex. CAM houses “a major open collection of almost 12,000 artworks spanning paintings, sculptures, installations, drawings, prints, photographs and films by some of the country’s most…

Out now: HPA Journal issue – 1923-2023. Fernando Távora at 100

Docomomo Portugal is pleased to announce that the publication of a special issue of the HPA journal Histories of Postwar Architecture entitled “1923-2023. Fernando Távora at 100”, is now out. Edited by José António Bandeirinha, Antonio Esposito, Giovanni Leoni and Giovanni Bellucci it is a fitting tribute to a key Portuguese modern architect. The issue counts with an article by Prof. Ana Tostões, Docomomo Portugal Chair: “The Search for Eternity and the Polyphony Prodigy in Távora” along many other articles by Portuguese researchers and members of Docomomo Portugal. No. 11 (2022): 1923-2023. Fernando Távora at 100 DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2611-0075/v5-n11-2022