Tour day 2019: Bauhaus 100: a celebration

Weissenhofsiedlung (Stuttgart, 1927 – Caracas, 1952) Docomomo Venezuela has organized a tour day on the 2nd of November with the theme: “Bauhaus 100 – a celebration” to celebrate the Centenary of the Bauhaus and discover its influence in Caracas. The tour will include relevant pieces of the first modern architecture of Caracas (1927-1952) little studied or recognized. Passing by bus through Paradise, San Martin, San Bernardino and La Florida, the docotour will end with a visit to the interiors of the fifth Caoma, residence of the architect Carlos Raúl Villanueva and headquarters of the Villanueva Foundation that treasures his documents…

Docomomo US

“Docomomo US is excited to announce the line-up of tours and events taking place during our thirteenth Tour Day. The only national event of its kind, Tour Day is an annual celebration of modern architecture and design where the public and like-minded organizations across the country participate in a tour or event on the second Saturday and throughout the month of October. This year’s thematic focus, “The Diversity of Modernism” reflects the efforts of Docomomo US and its chapters to raise awareness of sites designed by minority and female architects, landscape architects, designers, and engineers, and of the designers themselves….

Guided Tour: Convent Clarissenklooster / Visit: exhibition “Destruction and reconstruction. Ostend 1944-1958”

Saturday, July 06 at 13:45 Docomomo Belgium organizes a guided tour of the Convent Clarissenklooster (Paul Felix, 1957-1965) by architect Marc Felix and Zsuzsanna Böröcz; and, at 16:30, a visit with the curator Marc Dubois to the exhibition “Destruction and reconstruction. Ostend 1944-1958”. Architect Paul Felix (Ostend, 1913-1981), important and leading figure in the Belgian architectural landscape after the Second World War, designed the Convent Clarissenklooster (protected monument since 2002) in 1957 and 1965 The convent perfectly illustrates its typical position: architecture is not an individual matter for the architect, but a combination of forces that are beyond the reach…

Texas celebrates Modern Month

The Houston Mod, a non-profit membership organisation dedicated to promoting knowledge and appreciation of modern architecture and design in Houston and Texas, is promoting the 10th annual MODern Month in April 2019 to celebrate modernism in Texas throughout the month of April. Each event, hosted by Houston Mod or one of their favourite organizations, can be an opportunity to celebrate modern architecture, art and/or design. For more information, please visit the website. The list of events is available here.

Tour: Recorridos por la Arquitectura Española del siglo XX. La obra y su autor

AEPPAS20 – Asociación Española para la Protección del Patrimonio Arquitectónico del Siglo 20, aims the promotion, protection and conservation of Spanish cultural and architectural heritage, of the 20th century. The event “Recorridos por la Arquitectura del siglo XX. La obra y su autor” [Routes through the Spanish Architecture of the XXth century. The author and their work] doesn’t want to analyse the architectural work itself, but understand how time has passed through them, how people lived there, what kind of problems have arisen from its maintenance or function change. So far, have been visited: Torre Castelar, Madrid; Instituto de Cultura…