What Decides “Heritage”? Lessons from a Comparison of Louis Kahn’s Commercial and Institutional Projects

In the quest to save recent-past, mid-century modern buildings, it is important to recognize how symbolic and commercial considerations influence the likelihood that some buildings are preserved while other buildings are demolished. Simply put, why does one building survive and another not? This article compares two of Louis I. Kahn’s projects — one a commercial building and the other institutional. The comparison examines how various dynamics facilitate or hinder the preservation of modern buildings. Further analysis considers steps that preservation-minded individuals and organizations might consider to retain and restore more modern buildings.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, Louis Kahn, Modern monumentality, Conservation of modern architecture, Coward Shoe Store, Yale University Art Gallery, USA modern architecture.

Issue 58
Year 2018
Pages 6-11
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/58.A.09IB6G5G

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